
Monday, November 16, 2020

Mini-ManCat Monday

I never married because there was no need. I have three pets at home which answer the same purpose as a husband. I have a dog which growls every morning, a parrot which swears all afternoon and a cat that comes home late at night. - Marie Corelli

HA! So mum doesn't need a hubby, she just needs me! Well, I guess I might not be able to provide all of the things a hubby could do, but I try!

Mum was home all weekend, doing chores, watching the the moving picture box. Plus we sat and counted fevvers for the first weekend. It got cooler and we also had wind and rain. Mum made sure the windows were shut tight so we can keep warm. 

Mum was doing her usual stuff while she watched sports on the moving picture box. Plus you can see her newest blankie that she has started to work on. The colors are kinda purrty. 

Then mum later watch our former Prez on the moving picture box. Nice to hear him again, a guy that can talk in complete sentences. Mum is waiting for his new book to come out this week. She is one of the top peoples on the waiting list so she can read it. Hopefully she will get it this week. 

Plus mum had a nice phone chat with Darling Millie's mum. They usually send emails to each other time to time, but this time had a chat. Mum had let her know about Max. Just so you know, Miss Millie is doing just fine. 

Feetsball Report

The Pack - it wasn't pretty but they did win. At some parts during the game mum was using lots of bad words. It was like "why you can't you F tackle that guy" or "stop Fing around and catch the ball". Usually mum doesn't yell like that but this was a team that has only one win all year. Mum did give them a bit of a extra hope cuz it was windy which sort of made things a bit wonky at times. 

Plus on Caturday night Bucky Badger played and they did super good winning over the team with blue and maize. 

Stay Safe, Stay Healthy, wear your mask. 


  1. My human had a little heart ache when she saw President Obama on your TV. The past four years have been hard for her.

  2. I'm guessing that it will be a wonderful change to have a president who acts like a president, doesn't 'spit the dummy' on Twitter 20 times a day and provides leadership.

    In Australia, we're back to day after day of zero local transmissions of Covid and watch in horror the statistics on the number of people in the USA who are getting sick and the number of people who are dying. How many more people have to die before your community decides to act to stomp this thing to bits?

    Please stay safe.

    Sydney, Australia

  3. I'm sure glad to hear that Miss Millie is doing okay!

  4. We watched President Obama in the morning on CBS Sunday Morning, then again on 60 Minutes. I agree; it was refreshing to hear him speak, and to tell the story of how his wife really did NOT want him to run for president at first.
    We had harsh rain and wind yesterday, but today there is sunshine. All of the cats slept through it all, except for poor PO'M, who hid under the neighbor's porch. We had too many branches drop from the trees, to make him comfortable in The Cat Hotel.

  5. dood...mumz new blankit iz awesum...thoz colorz bee rockin way kewl !!! next time mum talkz ta milliez mum, pleez ta say HI frum de tabbies; her prob ablee doez knot rememburr uz tho ~~~~~

  6. I like to watch the birds too. We get a lot here, but today I saw a new one for the first time. It was obviously a wagtail but bright yellow. We get lots of pied wagtails and grey wagtails. The greys are yellow underneath but yellow on top. I looked him up and it is a yellow wagtail. They are on the red endangered list and he should have flown back to Africa in September. I hope he finds a warm spot in our barn if he is going to over winter here. The pied wagtails find shelter on a shelf. Maybe they will let him join them.

    1. That should have read that the greys are yellow underneath but grey on top.

  7. That blanket is pretty..and we bet it’s soft too. Glad to hear Millie is doing well.

  8. They are some really beautiful colors. Sounds like a nice relaxing weekend


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