
Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Tuesday This and That - For Max

Me and mum are coming to terms about Max, The PsychoKitty heading off to The Bridge. Mum was truly bummed even though she knew it was coming. All of the love that gets poured out to the humans remaining is grate. Mum even went back to read through stuff from back when Derby left us. Needless to say there was lots of leaking eyes. So many people love other peoples cats, even when they never meet them in purrson. 

One of the things was that Max had been one of the Founding Cats for the Cat Blogosphere. There were others, The Meezers, Oreo, The Crew, William of Mass Destruction, but the main one for Derby and mum was Max. Mum had said that when Max went to The Bridge, maybe we should stop blogging. 

Now don't panic, cuz we are not giving up blogging, at least not yet. The other day Miss Megan, one of our frequent visitors and commenters said she loved coming to read the blog cuz it was "uplifting", especially in these crazy times. 

So for Miss Megan and others we will continue for now. 

Also, I have a couple of puzzles for you today, of pics of Max. Farewell dude, we will miss you.

preview100pieceMaxMem preview100pieceMax-laughing


  1. I found William Of Mass Destruction first, and he was really the reason why I started to blog too; William, and our Chuck, both big black cats with attitude! I found Max later, but have really enjoyed his blog, and know that a lot of people are very sad that he's gained his Angel's wings.
    We understand the need to stop back from blogging, but of course we'd rather that you stayed around, but that's sort of selfish. Do what's best for you.
    Thanks for the puzzles; I'll play when I'm on my laptop.

  2. William was one of our first pals too but we're sad about Max, he had quite the legacy and will always be remembered.

  3. It was a horrible shock. Max had always been here and it felt like he always would be. I looked back to when we started and now none of my first commenters are with us any more.

  4. Oh, our mom was so sad to learn about Max. The Woman's recounting his last hours reminded Mom so much of what William went through, and that made her all sad too. We didn't know him as well as William (and Olivia and Russell and Caroline and PQ) did, but we know he was a titan. Right now we are savoring his last book (which we just got in the mail), and it's almost as if both he and Buddah are right there again.

  5. It's so funny that Sparkle was sort of blogging in a vacuum, and then after a couple of years happened on the amazing Cat Blogosphere community, with Max and so many others. It was a revelation. So sad to see him gone.

  6. We share your love for Max and his fambly. He was our inspiration to begin blogging. Max was the first cat blog we ever happened upon! He was a Titan for sure. And we don't think he'd want any of us to stop blogging! He'd prolly skream at us from across the Bridge. XOXO

  7. I'm very touched that you mentioned me in your post Ducky. Thank you. Reading your blog, and those of Marks Mews and Spitty, really make my day. I thin it's wonderful that cats on the other side of the world feel like friends and take time out of their hectic schedules to share stuff with us. Long may it continue.

    Sydney, Australia

  8. Those early blogging friends certainly lave their mark. Do you remember Angus Mhor? Gandalf, Grayson and Whitey? So many wonderful friends gone...

    Tama and Genji

    1. Yeah, mum remembers all of those cats you mentioned and so many more. All of your gang that has gone, Tommy, Trav, the Beebs. Sigh.

  9. I, too, get happiness from your blog. I, too, understand that it can't go on forever ... but when I read today my heart got sad .... then happy again. I don't blog myself. Yes I am selfish and I want to read your blog and don't want you to stop. Max was also my first cat blog I read ... and through that I now start every morning reading about other people's cats. So if you were to stop I would understand.... but I am happy you will contintiue... at least for now ... I would miss you((hugs))

  10. we understand dood; bout de sadz; de friendz lost; thoz ya connect with that ya never ever met, tho bee came besties. we hope ya due knot stop yur blog; ore that oh de galz, tho we under stand if ya knead ta step a way fora bit. we waz still at catster bak in de dayz oh yore N did knot haz de OP two noe max like everee else; but we R glad we met up when we did ♥♥♥♥♥

  11. We are like TurtleLover - we don't blog, but we enjoying reading about other people's cats and come to love them almost as if they were ours too. We don't comment often,but we enjoy your blog too Ducky & Mum. Purrs.

  12. We all will sure miss Max but I think he would want you to keep on blogging Ducky. There are fewer and fewer of us left from back then. We came along a bit late in 2014 but we loved visiting everyone and we all need to keep each other going. We think in these uncertain times it is even more important for us to blog to "check in." Dad thinks it is difficult sometimes but he loves visiting everyone. We sure like visiting you


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.