
Saturday, February 6, 2021


 HiYa Ducky here. Happy Caturday. Me and mum are staying inside and staying warms. The snow machine didn't leave much the other day but it brought Mr Frigid Cold with it. Mum has been out just a little bit, like to shove snow around and feed the fevvers. 

Yesterday was wear red day and mum did wear red. She knows it is important to keep her heart healthy. She tries to eat good and get exercise. She knows she could do better!

So even with all the cold, the sun is powerful so here is pics of the drive early in the morning just after she pushed off the excess with lots of sunshine. Second pic is of the drive towards the end of the day. The power of the sun

Plus the fevver bath got all frozen over, mum got a new one but that got all frozen. So mum checked, the circuit breaker is fine, so mum wonders if it is the bath, the super cold, or if the outside outlet is not working like it should. Too cold outside for mum to mess with trying to fix it for now. 

Top pic is when mum put out the new bath, bottom the all frozen over one. Plus you can see where mum walked through the snow to fill the fevver feeders. Gotta make sure the fevvers have stuff to eat too. 

Me and mum are staying in, staying warm. We will watch the Stouper Bowl tomorrow, guess mum wants The Chiefs to win. 

Stay safe, stay healthy, wear a mask, get the vaccine when you can. 


  1. Oh brrrr Ducky, it sure does look cold up your way!

  2. You do have a lot of snow, and look at those icicles!

  3. We agree that staying in is the best thong to fo when the winter turns nasty.

    We didn't know you could get bird baths that plug in to stay warm! We hope you can get yours working again.

    Tama and Genji

  4. And I also love those icicles, Ducky! Wish I lived where it snowed.

    Sydney, Australia

  5. My human forgot about the red day... but she wore red anyway because it's her favorite color and she has tons of red sweaters and tops. She exercises bunches.

  6. I think is is so cold it is too much for that drinker. Stay warm friends


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