
Monday, February 8, 2021

Mini-ManCat Monday

Anything not nailed down is a cat toy.

It got super cold over the weekend. Going below zero F which mum says is about minus 18 C. It is bright and sunny but cold. Me and mum are staying inside and warms. She went out to fill the fevver feeders and bring the new fevver bath inside the metal monster room. It works, so mum thinks it is the electric outlet. When it gets a bit warmer so she can be outside without gloves mum will see if she can reset the outlet. It was wonky once before. 

Mum saved the box and looked at the fevver on the picture. A Parakeet? In the snow? Me thinks whoever did the pic doesn't know budgies aren't snow birds!

What is really crazy that even with all the cold this silly robin still hangs around. Mum has foods it will eat but now no water for him or the other fevvers. 

Final Feetsball Report

It wasn't that close of a game, at least for me and mum the wrong team won. Mum actually watched the game and the commercials. She didn't even work on her crow-shay! That hast to be a first for a feetsball game. 

On Caturday night ARodg won the MVP and said he was engaged. Mum thought to get married or more engaged with the team and the game this past year. Whatever. 

No more feetsball but CrashCar starts next week! 

Stay safe, stay healthy, wear a mask, get the vaccine when you can. 


  1. That bird on the box looks like it might be a budgerigar - although perhaps the tail is a little too long. Ah - I've just googled and discovered that you guys refer to them as parakeets. They're native to Australia, so most unlikely that they'd be comfortable in snow. LOL

    Sydney, Australia

  2. I don't think any budgie would be happy to be out in the snow!

  3. We wouldn't like to be in the snow so we understand why that birdie wouldn't either.

    The Florida Furkids

  4. dood....what ever de burd on de box iz.....itza BURD ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    we hope ewe & mum N joyed de game; noe tee veez heer sew noe
    game for uz...knot even kitten bowl ore puppy bowl :) ♥♥☺☺

  5. Both of those birdies look cold out there, you should bring them in to get warm Ducky!

  6. AAron is engaged? Well, what do you know?
    It's too darn cold...I want it to go away!

  7. It’s pretty darn cold here too. I feel sorry for the birds out there. ~Ernie

  8. Hi Ducky it has been very cold here and we want Spring! We watched the game with Dad and if KC had shown up maybe there would have been something happening on the field. Ugh. Thanks for reminding us about Smashcar starting this week. Dad put it on our calendar and we also have F1 coming up in March. Do you like that too? Big changes this year with car regulations

  9. Brrr, that's beyond cold! Bet that robin wishes he'd gone south when he had the chance!

    Thank you for your kind words about Elliott. We're sure he and Derby have met up by now.

  10. It's cold ! It's not as cold here. Those birdies are lucky, your mom takes good care of them ! Purrs


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