
Saturday, April 3, 2021


 HiYa Ducky here, Happy Caturday, Happy Easter Eve!

I am doing just fine after my adventure at the vet. Mum thinks I am back to my normal routine and such with eating and sleeping. Here is a moovie of me and mum while we were watching the base ball game on Thursday.

It has been wonky weather wise. Gets nice, then goes cool again. Today it is supposed to be nice and mum says she will use the griller machine to make a burger and potatoes for dinner tonight. Woohoo, get me some grill burger later. 

Mum is also feeding me different now. I get two batches of gooshy foods each day. One in the morning for brekkie and then one in the evening for dinner. Mum says she needs to have me gain back the weight I lost while my teeths were bothering me. Gotta get back about a pound and maybe a little more. Hey, I don't want to get fat, just be fit. Yes mum, it is time for my brekkie!

Me sitting on mum watching the game on Thursday, plus she was working on the blankie. Another game tonight, so she will work on the blankie some more. Plus me enjoying the late afternoon sunshine coming in the big windows.

The day I was gone mum found a deaded mouse laying on the patio. Mum though something had killed it and then would come back for it. But it was still there on Friday so mum pushed it on the shovel and dropped it in the flowers. It can rot in peace by the daffs. 

Mum got out the little patio table too. Someplace to hold her stuff when she is outside reading. Gotta have her phone and drink nearby. 

So that is about it from here. 

Stay safe, stay healthy, wear a mask, get the vaccine when you can.


  1. Seems a shame to kill the mouse, then not use it as a snack!
    However, maybe the killer located it later, in the garden.
    Eat up now, Ducky; put a little more meat on your bones.

  2. We're glad you are feeling better, Ducky. We really like the photo in the sunpuddle. It's crazy weather here too. We had some really cold days and now it's getting really cold again!

    Tama and Benny

  3. I am glad you are feeling better without those troublesome teeth. We have had a week of good sunny weather but it is a lot cooler today. They say it is going to freeze from Monday night.

  4. I'm glad you are doing good Ducky, you sure look happy in your video!

  5. Two meals of gooshy foods - wacko! But perhaps you could ask your mum to take a leaf out of the Marks Mews' books: they get half a dozen (small) meals each day. That certainly sounds like a way to pack on a bit of weight!

    Sydney, Australia

  6. Ducky aren't head rubs sitting on the couch wonderful! Me and Dad do that and I think we gingers are especially loving and enjoy it even more than other kitties. Well maybe not brother Toby but he likes his on the table MOL. Happy Easter and good hunting. I think you brought that mousie to the porch and then went looking for more. Yes I do. Purrs to you and Mom Ducky

  7. Aww poor wee mouse! Hope you had a good Easter :-D


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