
Monday, April 5, 2021

Mini-ManCat Monday

I called my cat William because no shorter name fits the dignity of his character. Poor old man, he has fits now, so I call him Fitz-William. - Josh Billings

Yeah, you may know me as Ducky but my official name is Mallard Olympus CutiePie! If you want to read my full story you can go back to March 2010

It was a marvy weekend here. Lots of open windows with warm air coming in on the breeze. Mum sat outside reading her books. Caturday in the back, Sunday out in front. 

Mum got to talk to the female human who is the new naybor. She is about to pop out a new human, probably in the next week. So I may hear a baby crying soon. 

Also mum let the woofie sniff her fingers and a quick lick of her hand too. Can't do much with a fence between. 

Me hanging out on the kitty tower. I have been up and down this lots in the past few days. Not sure why I haven't been up here, but hey, I like to switch things around. I suppose I should have been up here during the snowy time, I could have see over the snow pile!

One thing since I got my tooths stolen is that I am getting more gooshy foods. Mum got a bunch of these nice white dishes just for me. She even weighs out how much food she puts into them. Plus when she finally picks them up she weights them again. Wants to see just how much I am eating.

Yes I know you want me to gain a bit of weight, but not too much. I am a tiny boy remember? Your Mini Man Cat!

Lots of nice bright flowers blooming at the moment, makes it all cheery and bright outside. Yep, spring is really here. 

That is about it for today. 

Stay safe, stay health, wear a mask, get the vaccine when you can.


  1. Sounds like you are getting first class service to me, Ducky!

  2. Awww Ducky your Mama is a wonderful Mama!!

  3. You look terrific up in your tower Ducky! I'm glad you're enjoying some good weather!

  4. Now Ducky - you need to have a quiet word with your mum. You don't wanna hear that she's been engaging with that woofie any more, okay? Once? That's polite. But enough. Cats rule!!

    Sydney, Australia

  5. Years and years ago, my mother gave me all of her Pyrex Sidekick dishes, which are low and oblong. They are terrific cat dishes, and I'm always looking for more. Used to find them at the resale shops for $1 each, but don't find them anymore.

  6. That tower is a good place for seeing what is going on. Kit was a tiny girl too. She weighed 5 pounds.

  7. Nice photo of you. I hope you get to meet the little human. I am sure it will love cats :-D


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