
Monday, May 10, 2021

Mini-ManCat Monday

Although all cat games have their rules and rituals, these vary with the individual player. The cat, of course, never breaks a rule. If it does not follow precedent, that simply means it has created a new rule and it is up to you to learn it quickly if you want the game to continue. - Sidney Denham

Yeah, you gotta play by cat rules and cat rules are subject to change at any time! Just sayin'.

Hope you all had good weekends and cellybrated with your mum. Me and mum had a nice quiet weekend and she stayed home and did stuff inside and out. 

 Mum did the cooking outside, one pig chop with eggy plant! She likes pig chops on the grill more than she thought she would.

While mum was working on pruning out dead stuff from the shrubs and she got it all piled up ready for pickup. While she was working she noticed the really old lilac that she cut back in the fall is now sprouting new growth! So she will have to work on this and get the weeds and such away from this. She was sure the plant was on the way out.

Here is mum's very small brush pile. Some years is is much more, but it saves her a trip to the compost pile.  

Then she came inside to hang out with mum and chill. We watched fevvers for a bit. She keeps looking for one fevver we haven't seen yet. A rose breasted grosbeak. We hope we see one soon. 

Yeah, you watch. I will take a nap while you watch. Mum also did some crochet on hats for humans while she watches the moving picture box.

Happy Week everyone!


  1. That is nice that the lilac is shooting again. After my in laws died we sold the farmhouse. Along one side of the drive was a lilac, a forsythia and a magnolia. They were all beautiful mature trees. This winter he sawed them all down and planted leylandii in their place. Such a shame!

  2. We have no doubt that hanging out with you was the highlight, Ducky!

    Tama and Benny

  3. It's pawsome that the lilac survived!!! We think that sounds like the purrfect afternoon.

    The Florida Furkids

  4. Cats have rules...hahahaha!
    No way, Ducky!

  5. You both had a pretty good weekend!

  6. Good idea to delegate the fevver watching to your mum so you could have a nap.

    Sydney, Australia

  7. last foto oh ewe iz awesum....glad ewe N mum iz doin grate; we haz been off line for 57 yeerz we thinkz....

    and we gotta say we hope ewe due KNOT see... what ya haz knot seed...

    yet... still wanna see ;) ☺☺♥♥


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.