
Thursday, May 13, 2021

Puzzle Thursday

 Woot, things are good here. While it is rather cool in the morning it warms up nicely during the day. Lots of sun too. Mum had the front window open as well as the big window in the back. So nice. 

Mum has been a bit bizzy outside. She added to the brush pile for the village people to pickup. They haven't come by yet. So until they do if mum sees stuff she can add she will. 


Me looking seductive at mum while she rests and looks at the fevvers outside. We have seen our usual spring birds except no red breasted grosbeaks this spring. At least not yet. 

Mum's big shoes and my nip nanner, what do I want. Neither, let's go to the kitch-hen for a snack.

 Puzzles this week. Just my sweet face!

preview96pieceDuckySweetFace preview54pieceAppleBlossoms


  1. Those grosbeaks just started coming here last week...(SW Michigan)

  2. It's a hard choice: nip nana or big shoes. Opting for something else altogether was probably wise.

    Sydney, Australia

  3. Maybe you had already been playing with your nippy nanner and that is why you needed a snack.

  4. We ove your seductive look, Ducky!
    It's been really cold for May here too!
    Tama and Benny

  5. We think the nip nanner looks like fun.

    Thanks for the puzzles.

    The Florida Furkids

  6. dood:

    "At least not yet."

    YAY !!!!!!!!! ☺☺☺♥♥♥

    R de "gurlz" still in hibernationz ?

  7. Tis the season Ducky, our Mom and Dad have been working outside lots too.

  8. I'm glad things are good at your house!

  9. We love that sweet face Ducky and you have a nice new nanner too. Have a great week

  10. Thank you for the puzzles.


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