
Saturday, June 19, 2021


 HiYa Ducky here. Happy Caturday. Me and mum are just planning to hang out for the weekend. She has been doing her chores. Dishes, recycling out to the bin, picking up stuff and making the place neat. Even a bit of the evil sucking monster. 

We had a couple of nice days in the middle of the week, so open windows for me to sniff. Mum even sat outside one night and readed her book. Nice temps, gentle breeze and no mosquitos! Plus it is Box Day so mum is showing me in the box from a couple of weeks ago. I am not a big box kittie so mum doesn't leave them around for me. 

Then the tree monkey guys were here. Mum had them come to fix the trees. The one out front had a big deaded branch up on top. Plus in places it was so low she had a hard time ducking under it to use the grass eater. In the back they took away the short tree stump too. Mum says they didn't even cut it, just wiggled it out of the ground. Now she needs dirt to fill up the hole!

In the back, the cut out lots of the little dead stuff and a few somewhat larger pieces but left the ones that mum hangs the fevver feeders on. The crabby apple tree looks much nicer.

In the front the dead stuff from up on top and the tree monkey way up doing his job.

Mum even got a moovie, no tree monkeys were hurt in this but mum said wow! Glad she got the moovie.

Happy Weekend to all and Happy Dad's Day to all the Dads!



  1. I'm glad you got some window time Ducky and those tree monkeys are pretty amazing!

  2. Good job the tree guy was safely harnessed to the tree! Ivor used to do that with two tree surgeon friends at weekends, but that was nearly 30 years ago.

  3. Happy Box Day! Have a nice weekend.

  4. Those tree monkeys were quite efficient!

  5. Wow - that looked a bit hair raising. Very glad that the tree monkey wasn't hurt. It seems that you had a lot of snoopervising to do this week Ducky.

    Sydney, Australia

  6. Wow good tree monkeys haha. Looking good Ducky :-D

  7. We admire the folks that climb up in trees; I get dizzy just thinking about it!


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