
Monday, June 21, 2021

Mini-ManCat Monday

Cats regard humans as warm-blooded furniture.

Officially it is summer here now in the northern half of the globe. Longest daylight hours of the year, but it was a cloudy and a bit rainy. So hard to tell if it was long daylight day or not. 

I sat on mum's lap for a while yesterday. She worked on her crow-shay hats while she watched racy cars on the moving picture box. She finished one hat and did two more. Being a rainy day she didn't have to much else to do. She finished the last part of a book and did the washing. 

One of the shelters had a fund raising walk. This was one of the cats who was on the walk, he looks rather cool doesn't he?

Not much going on this week, everyone have a good week.


  1. What a cool looking dude! I hope they get a lot of money from the walk :-D

  2. Ducky, I went to the library on Saturday, just to read a book for awhile in silence. When I sit on the deck, with The PO'M in my lap and the book resting on his body, I tend to get a crick in my neck, so now that the library is open again, I took advantage of the air conditioning and comfy chairs.

  3. I wish there was a fund raising walk I could go on here!

  4. He looks a lot like you. :)

  5. Today is the first full day of summer and it was much cooler than it has been in awhile. Go figure!

  6. That kitty looks a bit like you Ducky ! Very cool !

  7. Yeah, I love the warmth of TBT at night. Its the only time I cuddle up close. And then I REALLY press up ta him.


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.