
Thursday, June 24, 2021

Puzzle Garden Thursday

 Wow, another week has passed by. We got about 2 inches of rain in the past week, so the grass is greener and mum says the grass isn't crunchy when you walk on it now. 

First me and mum want to send love and healing purrs to Miss Jackie. She was the mum to Gorgeous Gingers Eric and Flynn. They are at The Bridge now and their mum needs our purrs. Get better soonest. 


Mum has her pile of paper that she recycles. She added the little black box, it smelled like butter and she had just opened a new box of the stuff. She didn't let me lick the butter.

We had excitement the other day. Mum was eating her lunch and heard sirens really loud. So when she finished eating and looked outside she noticed the bamulance driving out and the big red truck was parked by the naybors. The naybors said a guy on the trail was all confused so they called for help.

Hey dog! Get out of my yard! Mum said it was OK, he was on his leash and his human Nick had come over to tell mum what was going on. No, we have no way to know if they person is OK, but we hope they are OK. The dog is called Ollie. He is a corgi.

He wasn't the only introoder, mum caught this cat a few weeks ago passing through the garden. Mum thinks he lives in the nayborhood, she has seen him before running across the street and then up a tree.

Puzzles. One of me and one of a purrty flower taken by a fellow cat mom Brenda. She used to have Beau Beau and Angie, now has two gorgeous ginger Norwegian Forest cats.

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  1. Ooh, thanks for the puzzles...will play later!
    We too hope the person is okay.
    She didn't let you have any butter...not even a taste on the end of her finger?!?

  2. We hope that confused human is okay too, that has to be scary. You've sure had some interesting visitors Ducky!

  3. We, too, sure hope the poor confused person is going to be okay. That must've been frightful for him.

  4. It is all go there Ducky! Prayers for Jackie too.

  5. Thank you for the love and purrs. I hope the confused person is okay. I probably won't do the puzzles this week as I am limiting time on the computer and not doing much commenting either. Hopefully I will soon feel more like it, but at the moment my brain is on a go slow. At least my coordination is back.

  6. Thank you for the puzzles.

  7. That butter box looks nice a fragrant good choice. Glad that guy was taken care of but what is with those introoders. Sheesh like Grand Central!


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