
Saturday, June 26, 2021


 HiYa Ducky here. Happy Caturday. Going to be a off and on wet weekend. Lots of good napping time for me! I have to rest up, my purrthday is Monday!

Mum sat for a bit yesterday and worked on her crow-shay hats. She did it while she watched the basey ball game. First game that the team was allowed to have full capacity in the stands. However we could tell it wasn't a sell out. Lots of cheering fans. 

Mum readed on her pile of books. She finished the old pile and picked up a new batch on Thursday. Mum says she needs to keep her brain in tune. 

Oh yeah, mum got out her red traveling bag. Something tells me she might be going somewhere. I will keep you posted. 

Have a wonderful weekend. 


  1. You are such a cutie. Have a nice weekend.

  2. Oh my, the traveling bag is out with your Birthday coming up, yikes!

  3. Yep - it's a good idea to rest up and hydrate well prior to your birthday Ducky!

    Sydney, Australia

  4. That looks like good chin scritches you are getting.

  5. We love that picture, Ducky, you look so happy ! Purrs

  6. Ahhh chin rubs! Lovely :-D

  7. Ducky, tell you mom that I just ordered two t-shirts that have books and cats on them! Seriously, other than tea, what else does one need?

  8. Its always good to see you Ducky.
    Angel Timmy Tomcat


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