
Saturday, July 24, 2021


 HiYa Ducky here, Happy Caturday. 

Been a crazy sportz week. First our local team won the bucketball championship, now the Oly-lympics are starting. Mum and me did watch the parade of nations, plus the fancy drone made globe. The flame lighting was cool too, but not as cool as the one in Norway where it was lit with a flaming arrow years ago. 

It is hot and humid but mum says she will probably have to work outside to get the grass eater through the backyard. It shouldn't take too long, then mum can chill for the rest of the weekend. 



That is me in the front window, but after the sun goes away. Yeah we cats like warm but I don't like hots. Mum either. Hope you can find a cool spot to hang out this weekend. 

Happy Weekend to all.


  1. Have fun watching the olympics and keep cool Ducky!

  2. It's very, very, VERY muggy here Ducky, but overcast.
    I enjoyed what I saw of the Opening Ceremony, and watched some women's water polo and men's volleyball.

  3. Have a nice weekend with your mum.

  4. It has cooled down quite a bit today but the humidity is back in the 90s. I don't like the humidity. As well as being sticky it makes my feet swell.

  5. It's cool inside here, Ducky, and we are happy about that!

  6. It’s hot and humid here too, Ducky. And right now we’re having a thunderstorm. Thank cod we have air conditioning in our house.

  7. If you're gonna try to hide, Ducky, you've got to pull your tail in close to your body! LOL

    Sydney, Australia

  8. We like the warms but really do NOT like the hots.

    The Florida Furkids

  9. Loved seeing that tail of your Ducky. That is a really great photo and will be one of Moms favorites we bet. Have a super week

  10. Oh MY, there appears ta be a lost tail. We hope it finds the rest of its cat soon. MOL!

    We agree about the HOTS. Sunpuddles are great, but sometimes it all gets too hot. Then we go an sit of the kitchen floor or even the cool basement cement floor.

  11. Great photos Ducky! Love the tail :-D


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