
Monday, July 26, 2021

Mini-ManCat Monday

If stretching were wealth, the cat would be rich. - African Proverb

I like to stretch, all us cats do. Mum says I am doing a side view of the sphinx.


Mum even found some pics of Derby doing good at stretches.

Mum says this week will be a quiet week for us. We both like quiet weeks. Have a good one all.


  1. Oh Ducky, I wish it were a quiet week for me, but when things are quiet, I sign up for other things, then all of the other things bunch up at once!

  2. You sure look fabulous and terrific Ducky!

  3. happee quiet week two ewe N mum dood....and frank lee we gotta ask....dinna yur toez hurt....fotoz one

    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ and wavez two ewe derby ♥♥♥

  4. Hey, you were almost doing the Q in the photo after the video!

  5. Fantastic sphinx pose, Ducky. Although I agreed with the tabbies of trout towne - the toes on your back foot looked a tad uncomfortable. And I loved your freeze in the movie - you really made your mum work for your attention!

    Sydney, Australia

  6. That's an even more unusual pose that my specialties!

  7. Ducky I liked to do the side lay with my toe claw dug in and like that tucked foot look of yours. Derby did a great stretch. Enjoy that quiet

  8. Very Sphinxlike Ducky ! Purrs.

  9. Amazing video Ducky and lovely stretching :-D


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