
Saturday, November 6, 2021


 HiYa Ducky here. Happy Caturday! It has been nice around Casa de Ducky. Slightly open windows even which is nice. 

Mum has been taking advantage of the nice weather to get the outside work done. She has almost finished getting the purr-enial garden cleaned up. Then once that is done, just the front flower beds to do and the leaves. First the leaves have to come off the trees. They are taking their time about that. 

Some action shots for you!

Mum is happy that we get to find that hour in the clocks tonight. She says she is so tired of getting up in the dark in the morning. So if you live in A-Meriky, don't forget to change your clocks back to regular time. 

Happy weekend.


  1. It is nice to get some fresh air. It is damp and miserable here so I have been clearing the old tomato plants out of the greenhouse. Some trusses still have fruit on them so I have hung them over wires to finish ripening. I need to get the tender plants in before it gets too cold.

  2. You sure look so cute Ducky and that was some fun leap! Our weather has been downright close for the South.

  3. Our overnight temps are below freezing, Ducky, and The Hubby has to scrape frost off the windows of Cat Car II! It was funny to watch him search for the scrapers, since he didn't remember where he'd stashed them!


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.