
Monday, November 8, 2021

Mini-ManCat Monday

The cat could very well be man's best friend, but he would never stoop to admit it. - Doug Larson

Well, maybe I should admit that mum is my furiend. I know she loves me. 

Mum took off Caturday afternoon and left me on my own until Sunday AM. She was off to one of the racy car group's dinner and awards thing. She didn't win anything and she didn't expect to. Got to see a few people she won't see until next spring. 

She stayed overnight with furiends since it is farther away. Said she got to sleep on a nice new mattress and went to bed early enuf to actually get her extra hour of sleep. 

Me hanging out on mum's lap after she got home yesterday and was watching the moving picture box. 

She got a couple of cool pics of the clouds as she rode along to the dinner. She didn't get a pic but she did see the cat claw moon!

Feetsball Report

The Pack - well first start for a different QB and well, just sayin' we need more than Love. At least they didn't get shut out and mum didn't expect them to win. She thinks the new guy seemed to do better as the game went on. Maybe next week the regular guy will be back next game, but mum is tired of his stories. 

So everyone have a good week. We are going to get a few more nice days. Maybe a few flakes in the air by next weekend!



  1. Our Mom is our best friend too. Hey, she's got the TUMBS!!

  2. Well, as long as you keep those flakes in the air over your way that's okay with me. Mom says she and dad are my best friend, but only when I want food. I say she's getting to be almost as much of an ******* as dad usually is!

  3. I looked out the window last night when I went to bed and saw the cat claw moon. It looked like it was sticking in the hedge in the lane. I think it will be too cloudy to see it tonight, but it will be a bit thicker anyway.

  4. WE bet you were glad to have her home!

    Those are pretty clouds!

    Tama and Benny

  5. You got to be the star of Home Alone Ducky! Those clouds are pretty amazing!

  6. Those are some cool clouds, Ducky!


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.