
Monday, November 15, 2021

Mini-ManCat Monday

Cats are absolute individuals, with their own ideas about everything, including the people they own. - John Dingman

The one purrson I own is mum. I've got her heart wrapped up and in my paw. I love to sit on her and give her loves and get loves in return. 

The weather guessers guessed wrong again for us yesterday. Other than a little bit of snow on the house roofs that was all we got. Mum was even good to make sure she put the snow brush in the metal monster and she didn't need it. 

Mum went out on Caturday night for another racy car awards dinner. She didn't win anything again and she says she wasn't expecting to. Just nice to see some people one last time before the winter sets in. Mum says fewer people that usual, maybe about 80 instead of the usual 125-150. 

Mum had no problem driving, what snow was falling melted on the roads. 

Me and mum watching The Pack and ARodg. He had a week off to behave at home with the virus. 

The snow blowing around the stadium during the game. It wasn't enuf to make the game really interesting with collection on the ground. 

Feetsball Report

The Pack won. It was a low scoring game for most of the game but The Pack finally got into gear and scored. Even better they managed to keep the other team from scoring at all.

Happy week everyone. 


  1. Those Weather Guessers are sure being wrong Ducky!

  2. We had snow here yesterday…but it was just the wet kind and didn’t stick to the ground.

  3. Sounds like a great feetsball game.

    Sydney, Australia

  4. The pandemic is back again here; hard to get together with folks.
    Am grateful that my office isn't trying to get us workers back there; working remotely is such a terrific way to go!


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