
Thursday, November 18, 2021

Thankful Thursday

 One week to the official thankful day. Me and mum are thankful for all we have!

Mum has pretty much finished off the outside work. Tuesday she cut down and hauled off the last of that stuff. Yesterday she moved leaves off the grass and into the street. The village people will come and take them away. 

Mum will need to use the grass eater one last time to chew up the last of the leaves and get the grass short for the snow season. 

Mum also got the Christ-mouse lights up on the front of the house. Those will be turned on after next Thursday. 

Once she gets all of this done then I won't have much to snoopervise, so then I guess I can just nap!



  1. That's a gorgeous photo of you, Ducky! We're glad you're getting some time to nap!

    Tama and Benny

  2. That is a lot of leaves. You are lucky to get them taken away. We are not allowed to do that here or we would get prosecuted for fly tipping! It's crazy because the real fly tippers hardly ever get caught.

  3. You Mom sure has been working hard, naps all around!

  4. Your mom has been busy! That’s a lot of leaves.

  5. Wow Ducky, that sure is a lot of leaves. I have to say, though, that we have a problem picturing the group that does Y-M-C-A picking up anyone's leaves. Just sayin'.


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