
Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Wonderful Wordy Wednesday

 Happy Birthday to ME! Yes, I get to be officially a year older today. 

Not every book you see was actually read. Some books intrigue me but when I actually get to reading them I go "MEH". At which point I put the book down and go to the next one. 

I know many of you have favorite authors that you won't see here. Just a matter of personal taste. 

I really enjoyed A Dog Named Beautiful but it did bring tears. Non-fiction and someone I know met the author a few years back. Says he is a nice guy. 

I am being treated to lunch today by a friend and I have an email that will get me a free desert at the place where we are going. Not eating at home much this week or buying groceries. I have freebees at a few other places too.


  1. Happy Birthday, and enjoy your freebies!
    You are right; reading is very personal, and what some like, others don't.
    And each person reading the same book gets different things out of it too.

  2. So many books! I envy you the ability to read so many!

    #1 of The Poupounette

  3. Happy, Happy Birthday from all of us!

  4. Happy Birthday, Ducky! Hope your day is purrfect.

  5. Happy belated Birthday! We hope the freebies were most enjoyable. Dad's due for a trip to the library this weekend for another load. He and mom are different- mom says she can tell within the first few paragraphs whether or not she'll like what she's reading. Dad sometimes goes 100, 150 pages in (like his most recent read) before he decides it's just not his thing. He's very hopeful this way. Have a fabulous weekend, y'all!

  6. Happy belated Birthday ! Claire wishes she has enough time to read as many books as you do ! Purrs


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