
Monday, February 21, 2022

Mini-ManCat Monday

Given a house full of carpets, shelves, cushions, chairs, window sills, any cat will choose to sleep on the document you are using.

Yeah, mum says I make a grate door. I put myself between her eyes and whatever she wants to look at. Book, crow-shay, the moving picture box. 

Wild weather week. It was warm and rainy, then Friday night it got all crazy with high winds and snow. It didn't last long but we did get enuf for mum to get her shovel out. It dried all clear in a few hours.

Sunday, it was back to sunny and nice temps and all this melted. Not much left of the snow, even the places where it is piled up. Bad thing this week they are saying we might get ice! No, we don't want ice!

Yesterday was love your pet day. I get loved every day! Well, maybe a bit extra yesterday. 

Me and mum watched CrashCar yesterday. At least this year they didn't get rained out, so that was good. Mum wished they would get rid of the guy who yells all the time rather than just talking. Mum's fav driver didn't win, oh well. First race of the season. 

Mum heated up leftovers for dinner, it included fish! Yep mum shared her fishy piece with me and that made me furry happy. You can go out for lunch all the time if you bring me fishy back. 

Plus I want to send healing purrs to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth. She tested positive for the nasty virus. I like HM and want her to stick around a while longer. Feel better Lizzy!

Happy week everyone.


  1. It has been a wild week here too. Three storms in six days, many trees and powerlines down. We were one of the lucky ones and only lost power for 3 1/2 hours. The wind has dropped to 30mph at the moment but forecast to pick up again tomorrow. Hopefully not another storm though. Enough is enough!

  2. Our weather has been a lot like yours, Ducky. At least it’s sunny today and a lot of the snow is melting. I’ll be glad when spring comes. Purrs for the Queen! ~Ernie

  3. Oh no, that ice is never any fun and I hope it passes you by Ducky!

  4. The weather has been crazy everywhere of late. It is so good to be safe, dry and warm indoors!

    Tama and Benny

  5. Keep warm! Snow and ice sound really cold.


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