
Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Wonderful Wordy Wednesday

The first book I actually read in 2019 but the picture came up in 2020 with the others. Author writes some thriller type books which I have liked. Currently reading her latest book.

Some one asked about which are my favorites. Hard to say since I read so many. Guess my best answer would be "The next one!"

The Glass House by Emily St. John Mandel I couldn't get into, but liked one of  her earlier works called Station Eleven. A story about a pandemic. It was our community read back in 2020 just as the pandemic started. The pandemic in the book is much more severe than what we have experienced.



  1. Really enjoying these posts about your library borrowings.

    Sydney, Australia

  2. I have Station Eleven on my Kindle, but haven't read it yet. Maybe I'll do that now!

  3. So, I have a Goodreads account, and when using my iPhone, I can hold my phone to the cover of a book and add it to my tbr list!
    Just did it to "She Lies In Wait"!

  4. The mom will put that one on her list!


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