
Monday, February 28, 2022

Mini-ManCat Monday

One small cat changes coming home to an empty house, to coming home.

Mum always liked coming home to an not empty house. Someone to say hello to when she got home from day hunting. Or even now coming back from just being out for a little bit. I always like it when she comes in and says "Ducky, mummy is home". 

We got more snow this week but it will be melting fast. Although Friday mum had to go out for something and they hadn't plowed our street so mum had to drive through it. By the time she got home the street was clear, so mum did the drive. 

It has been a crazy winter weather week. Icy stuff on Tuesday, snow on Thursday night. Way more white stuff in one week than we have had all season at one time.

This was the icy stuff on Wednesday morning. After the sun worked on it mum got it all cleared off. Then below was Friday AM with 5 inches of snow. You can see the tire tracks from where the naybors drove off.
Even the fever feeders were deep in snow. Mum got this all cleared off so the birdies and get foods.

So where am I? Right here. Sitting on mum, watching outside. This week we want to watch the snow melt! One of mum's furiends sent her a message saying she had red-winged blackbirds at her feeders. That means they will be here soon.

Keeping warm on the heaty vent in the floor. 

Come on spring! March starts this week. We want warms and maybe then mum will so an open window for me for a bit. 

Have a good week everyone!


  1. Ducky, it's true; it's like three seasons-worth of weather in a short span of time!

  2. That is too much snow to have again! We haven't had any, in fact apart from a couple of short icy spells it has been a very mild winter. Too many storms and heavy rain though.

  3. dood....same heer...feb ewe warry haz seen mor snow N ice N all seezon ~~~~ YEOW

    happee week a head two ewe & mum ☺♥

  4. Dang Ducky, that's way too much snow. We're ready for Sprint too!

  5. Ducky, it’s that time of year when Mother Nature gets confused and it’s cold with snow one day and then warmer the next.

  6. #1 says she understands, Ducky. Many years ago, when she had just one cat and he went to the Bridge, she could hardly even bear to be at home.

    We hope your weather settles down.

    Tama and Benny


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.