
Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Wonderful Wordy Wednesday

Some of the books here I know I got from other people recommending them, but then I couldn't get into them. Move on to something else.

I got to be the first person to check out the Obama book. I knew it was coming out in November. I started checking for it in the on line catalog months before. As soon as I could, I put a hold on it. That was in September! I didn't race through it, took me 10 days to read. Parts got a bit heavy where they discussed economic policy and such. Book end shortly after Bin Laden's death. Not sure when the second memoir will be released.

The Lawrence Wright book The End of October is about a pandemic. He had submitted the manuscript before Covid started. "Rodham" is what Hillary's life would have been had she not married Bill Clinton.

 See the green tape that says LUCKY DAY? The library started this a few years ago buying an extra book of really popular books that would go on the special Lucky Day shelf. If it was there and you wanted it, it was yours. I have found books where I was way down the hold list but managed to snag a copy this way. Only downside is that you can only check it out for three weeks, no renewals. When that happens it is the first book read when I check out my stash.

I have also come across a few memes to share. I would add a cat to the below. Winter isn't giving up. Last week we had an icy mix, snow and cold making a mess on my driveway that wasn't easy to clear. This week a bit milder with sun.

Most of our snow and ice is melted. Waiting to see when the early spring migrating birds show up. Friends who live south of me have started to see or hear the sand hill cranes and red-winged blackbirds. That is what I am doing these days, reading, watching the snow melt, waiting for the birds to show up.


  1. Another very interesting mix. I always feel a liiiiiitle bit guilty when I stand in front of the new books display and end up putting four or five of them in my bag to borrow. Glad to see that I'm not the only one! LOL

    Sydney, Australia

  2. OH!
    I put reminders into my work calendar, so I know to look for upcoming books and get my name in there as soon as possible!
    I was the first person to get the newest Outlander book last year; I was chuffed!
    Of your book stacks shown today, I've read "The Silent Patient" and liked it; want to read more by this author.

  3. The mom has been reading (well, listening to) the Obama book. She's about 3/4 of the way through it and is enjoying it. ~Ernie

  4. cranbereez dood....we thinked may bee mum getted ta KEEP her lucky day book..for like all time !!! ~~~~~ ☺☺♥♥

  5. I wish I could read that much without hitting the snooze button!


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