
Monday, March 7, 2022

Mini-ManCat Monday

A true cat lover cradles a new kitten and knows that nine lives will never be nearly enough.

 Me being all majestic on my tower. I was up here looking down on mum and wondering if I should pounce down on her lap! 

Yeah, that is me in the PTU. Last Tuesday mum put me in here and hauled me off to the stabby place to see Dr. Tom. Good news is my weight has remained stable at just over 7 pounds. They stole my bloods and those were all nice and normal too. Said I was good to go for another half year. 

Almost all of our snow is gone, just a few icy piles left. We had a couple of warmer days and mum opened the window in the kitch-hen for me to sniff. However, during the day on Monday we are supposed to get some snow. It won't last long!

Our spring birds came back during the past week too. One robin, one grackle and three red-winged blackbirds. Mum even spotted one of the goldy finches starting to turn bright yellow. 

Mum has not spotted any shoots of new plants coming up. Mum wants spring flowers really bad.


  1. I am glad you had a good vet visit, Ducky. We have lots of primroses growing along the bottoms of our hedges.

  2. We had warm temps yesterday, then lots of wind, and now it's cold and raining, with snow expected later, even if it won't stick around.
    That's my favorite kind of snow; the stuff that disappears!!!
    Good to read that you are doing well, Ducky, even if going to the vet's office is a bit of a trial.

  3. Your saying atthe beginning is so true Ducky !

  4. I didn't know you were such a small guy, Ducky! You weigh about the same as me.

  5. dood.....YAY fora grate ree port frum de place oh eeeeevil ;) ♥♥ we bee lookin for flowerz two; just dead grazz sew far~~~~

  6. It's nice to meet you. - We wanted to thank you for the nice comment you left us on the loss of our cat, Spooky Boo last week. - We are also happy to hear from reading this post that you are feeling better. You look like a very sweet ginger boy.


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.