
Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Wonderful Wordy Wednesday

 These pictures bring me to the end of check outs in 2020. 

If you haven't read or seen the movie Crazy Rich Asians by Kevin Kwan, do it. Plus the other two books that go with it, China Rich Girlfriend and Rich People Problems. Trilogy to get the whole story. Sex and Vanity is his latest book, not directly related to the previous story line.

Andrea Kane is a favorite author. I especially like her Forensic Instinct series. It is a series and probably best read in order published. 

Christopher Buckley writes great satire, mostly on political situations. I think I have read all of his books. He is the son of William F Buckley.  

Virginia (#1 of the Chan's) mentioned last week that I have a really nice library. Yes I do! I live just over 2 miles from the library and from 2009 to 2019 I was on the library board. The building was opened in late 2002. Local library is a part of a two county group of 24 libraries. I have access through a shared online catalog to the entire collection of all 24 libraries. All I have to do is request a book, it is delivered to my local library to pick up. 

Front of the library, entrance to the left, large meeting room in front, drive to outside drop off on the right. Upper level is shelving for adult and teen books and computer area, study rooms. 

Front entrance at evening with inside lights on.

Inside the entrance lobby. Shelving for new books on the left, Lucky Day shelves on the right, kids area straight ahead. Circulation to the right. You can also see a large quilt hanging from the upper level.
View of the upstairs shelving with the main stairwell. Picture taking during one of the school art shows. Each spring the library hosts the display of art created by local students. One month for the public schools, another for the private schools.

Library has lots of programs for all ages, have done well to continue to serve the public during the pandemic with curbside pickup, online programs.


  1. I've added the "Forensic Instinct" series to my tbr list, thanks!
    I'm currently on the public library board, and we are 3/4 done with a retrofit of the 1969 library, bringing it into the 2020's!
    I live a block from the library, and visit there at least twice a month, mostly to yak with the librarians and get good tips on new books coming in.
    However, due to the construction, the library is in a temporary location that I must drive to...the horrors! ;-)

  2. That is a lovely and modern library. Ours was a big old granite built building, dark and solemn next to the museum. The building has now been combined with the museum and a new modern library built in a more central position. It is much more welcoming.

  3. Wow, that IS a nice library! Both the book and movie of Crazy Rich Asians were absolutely delightful!

    Tama and Benny (for #1)

  4. That looks like a sensational library. The one that I use is much smaller, but still very good.

    Sydney, Australia


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