
Monday, March 14, 2022

Mini-ManCat Monday

There are people who reshape the world by force or argument, but the cat just lies there, dozing, and the world quietly reshapes itself to suit his comfort and convenience. - Allen & Ivy Dodd

Yeah, we barely have to lift a paw and our humans will do whatever we want.  Cuddles, foods, toys. You name it!

Mum hid the hour in the clocks on Caturday and went to bed early by my thinking. She said the new clock time said "Bedtime", that way she doesn't lose an hour of her beauty sleep. She needs her beauty sleep. MOL. 

Sunday was bright and sunny, good for laying in the front window to soak up the morning sun. You can't tell from this picture but we got SNOW!

Above is what it looked liked out front in the early morning, below is what it looked like at lunch time. Mum didn't shovel, the sun made it all melt away. Tiny bit of snow yet in the back on the patio.

Don't think much is going on this week. Me and mum will just hang out!

Happy week everyone!


  1. Fabulous pic of you in the sunshine there Ducky.

    Sydney, Australia

  2. Ducky, this is exactly why cats rule the world, because they've made humans their servants!
    It was bitterly cold, then snow, and now it's warming up again!
    The snowdrops are out in our yard, and there is greenery pushing its way out of the soil in lots of locations too...yay!

  3. Ducky you are too cute! I didn't set any alarm on Sunday (I set my alarm every day but not on Sundays). So, hoping I should be good to go this week!

  4. happee week dood....if ewe iz like uz N iz total lee sick oh sum fish two nite for dinner ;) ☺☺♥♥

  5. Nice to see you enjoying the sun, Ducky.I am glad the sun soon melted the snow so your mum didn't have to clear it.

  6. The time change thing isn't fun at all. Hey, it looks way too cold at your place Ducky!

  7. We got some snow on Sunday too…but today it was in the 50s so all that snow is gone now.

  8. I hope you don't get any more snow this month!


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.