
Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Wonderful Wordy Wednesday

These books are from library check outs in January and February 2021.

I see I started reading both Deborah Crombie (Duncan Kincaid/Gemma Jones series) and Martin Walker(Bruno, Chief of Police series) in these batches. I like both of their series and have pretty much caught up to the point I have to wait until the next ones are published sometime this year.

I do not use Good Reads other than to look things up. I have joined but don't find it useful. I keep track of what I want to read in a Word document. It is currently 7 pages long!

I keep track of what I read in a spreadsheet. The numbered rows help me to know exactly how many books I have read. I used to do it in a word document putting 5, 10, 15 etc. for every 5 books. I copied them over to the spreadsheet late last year. 

I update my To Be Read list as I check out and add new books. Every quarter I re-save it for that quarter. Then I can go back through them if I am looking for something. I have them saved back to 2010. I have my read lists back to 2014. I started that when I was reading a book and it seemed so familiar. Yeah, I had read it before. Now if I am questioning if I have read something I just need to do a quick search. 

I have always been a good reader. Obviously less reading while I was working full time, but with retirement and the pandemic, I really have been reading like crazy.  

Yesterday I had lunch with our former library director and library business manager. We didn't discuss much library stuff. More to gather together and watch the new version of West Side Story. I liked it and yeah, I had tears at the end. 


  1. Did you enjoy the Ann Cleeves novel?

    Sydney, Australia

  2. Mom and dad are avid readers, too, and in fact, dad ran out to the library last night after work and came home with a stack of 12 books to feed their appetite. Dad just this morning finished one he thought he wouldn't care for and he says he just loved it. "A Green and Ancient Light", a fantasy novel of sorts, was not something he'd typically read, but he says once he dug into it had a hard time putting down.

  3. The only book that I've read from your stacks is "The Crow Trap" by Ann Cleeves, but I haven't read any more in that series.
    I have, however, read and enjoyed her Shetland Island series and Two Rivers series.
    If you want suggestions for good UK mysteries, I've got a list!

  4. I wish I could read more, but I nod off mid chapter!

  5. That's a lot of books ! Claire loves to read, she wishes she has more time to do it. Purrs


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