
Monday, May 2, 2022

Mini-ManCat Monday

If we could talk to the animals, the longest waiting line would be for the cat.

Yeah, mum talks to me lots. Tells me her problems, tells me jokes and just what is happening around the area. 

Mum didn't talk to me much this weekend, yep she went off to play with racy cars. That and freeze her tushy off on Sunday. Caturday they had rain, even some Tee-storms. 

Her view from the metal monster while they had to stop what they were doing becuz of lightning. Plus mum all bundled up inside the metal monster keeping warm.

Plus mum took videos of the cars taking off and then the start of the actual race.

Me happy mum is home so I can sit on her. Plus thanks to Miss Kellie who came over on Sunday to feed me and play with me too. Thanks Miss K. 


  1. The weather has been very kooky!
    Yeah, I's Spring, but come on's time for WARMS.
    Don't you agree, Ducky?

  2. Cool videos of the cars! We're glad you had someone to take care of you while your Mom was gone.

  3. That looks like unpleasant weather. Better be cat and stay indoors!

    Tama and Benny

  4. Gosh Ducky, I know what it's like to have humans who wander off so long that you gotta have somepawdy else do the dinner and brekkie chow. You look like you got some good lap time buddy!


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.