
Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Wonderful Wordy Wednesday

Lots of lighter reads or favorite authors. Always good to just have some fun reads, good stories. Books that you don't need to think too hard with.

I don't do much baking but I have watched the British Baking Show and especially remember the series where Nadiya Hussain won. So it was fun to page through her book to see her creations. Not sure if they are still on Netflix but she did have some shows that were there.

I totaled up all the books I had read from 2014 to 2021. I got 881. Eight years so 110 average per year. A few of those first years I was still working, but after I stopped working it has always been over 100 per years.

According to the weather guessers it is supposed to be getting warmer and sunnier. Which means more working outside and less time for reading. Well, maybe not. I will read the same and give up on TV since most of the TV shows I watch are about done for the season.  


  1. It's warming up here as well so a lot more time in the garden!

  2. I have ALL of the Sophie Kelly Magical Cats Mystery books, and have read most of the Sophie Ryan's Second Chance Cat books (same author, did you know?).
    Currently, I've re-started Jim Butcher's Dresden Files books, of which there are 17 books and about a dozen microfiction stories. Am reading in chronological order this time.

    1. Yes, knew the two Sophie's are the same person.

  3. I like when the weather is good and I can read in the garden.

  4. dood !!! excellentz grafix two day !! :)

  5. It's been darn hot here, happy reading!

  6. The Liar's Dictionary has an interesting title. I'm going to find out a little more about it!

    Sydney, Australia

  7. More for the mom’s “to be read” list. It’s getting really long!

  8. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  9. Oohhh ! Claire is a little jealous : so many great books to read, so little time to do it... Happy reading !


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