
Monday, May 9, 2022

Mini-ManCat Monday

A cat isn't fussy, just so long as you remember that he likes his milk from the shallow, rose-patterned saucer and his fish on the plate, from which he will take it and eat it off the floor.

 Mum is good at having nice dishes for me to eat from. They even get washed inside the machine that cleans dishes so they are super clean. No icky stuff remaining to make me sick!

Spring is here, and the girls are back and out of hibernation. Now Virginger isn't outside anymore, she leaves it up to the other three. 

Fleur is back by the fevver feeders, mum put lots of meal worms down cuz we have lots of robins around who need to eat. They will have babies soon. Glimmer and Trooper are on the table so they can see more of the back yard.

They must have done OK, cuz mum got lots of pruning done and all piled up for the village people to take it away. 

The two-lips have started to bloom. The white ones are mixed in with the hiya-cinths which mum says they smell really pretty.

Oh, and we have Mrs Robin making her home on our downspout. We will see babies in a few weeks. 

So things are pretty much normal here. Me and mum had a nice weekend. Caturday we cellybrated Derby Day, cuz that was Angel Derby's Gotcha Day and how he got his name. So we watched lots of horsie races and mum was so pleased to see the long shot win. Only wish she had money on him!

Have a wonderful week everyone.


  1. Went on a wildflower walk yesterday, and it was delightful to be outside in the sunshine, even if the breeze was a bit cool and the ground muddy. Seeing Mother Nature renew herself is always wonderful

  2. it be grate ta see ewe galz again !!!! mumz gardin iz way awesum....R'z fried out thiz yeer...two much rain, cold N naybor hood harez munchin a way ~~~ ;(

  3. I left a comment immediately before this one but it never came up.

  4. Nice to see your friends outside again, Ducky!


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.