
Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Wonderful Wordy Wednesday

 Operation Moonglow was a hard read, it was all of the political stuff behind the race to the moon. I don't think I got through it. The Wife Upstairs was a surprising modern twist on a classic book. 

The two bottom books in each pile are about General Electric. I worked for GE for about 13 years in the healthcare business. Interesting to read some of this, but so much happened after I left the company. One book by the former CEO, the other by reporters who worked at The Wall Street Journal. Two very different viewpoints on the same topics.

My shelves are not that full. I have always made good use of my local libraries over my life from being a kid to an adult. As a kid my local library was one of the original Carnegie libraries. The picture below was from the 1960's when I was using it. The children's area was in the wing on the left front. We probably lived a mile away. I would either walk or ride my bike there, crossing two main highways. On my own! How much different things were many years ago, kids out and about without adult supervision.

The community outgrew the building and a new one was built and put into use in 1968. Then after that the city built third building which is still in use today in 1992. Certain features of the Carnegie building were salvaged and stored. They are now used in the current library. Some of the history can be found at this link.

The replacement library was a modern building, very different. Very modern and stark. Building is now part of a bank. Thanks Google maps!

Kid books on the main level at the rear of this picture. Fiction and non-fiction to the left. I can't remember which was on the main floor or second. The third building I have never been inside. Maybe the next time I am there I should stop in!

 I showed you pictures of my current library a few weeks ago on March 9th. Another replacement building when the old space was out grown. I found some history of all the places the library was locally. It moved a lot over the years, needing more room.


  1. I see you've got more Sophie Kelly and Sophie Ryan books!
    In our city, the Carnegie Library was abandoned in 1967, and it's now the Art Center.
    The 1967 library building is currently under extensive renovation, to bring our library services into the 2020's, and I am proud to be on the library board to help with the decisions.
    Like you, I prefer to get my books from the library, and yet I have a fair amount of books that I just cannot live without!
    Oh, and P.S.: My father worked for GE for his entire working life.

  2. Mom has always used the library as much as possible. The library she went to when she was a little girl had a giant doll house which mesmerized her.

  3. I love the My Library graphic!!! I do miss having a good public library nearby. The Chicago Public Library was a glory over the three years I lived there.

  4. Plymouth library was a lovely old building which was part of the museum and art gallery. They moved it to a new building in a more central position which is quite soulless. A new museum was also built across the road from the original and named of all the things The Box!! I think the old building still houses part of the museum. Progress isn't always good.

  5. Cool library but the old one was a classic.

  6. A good library not too far from home is a great joy. I appreciate the one near me every day and take every opportunity to provide positive feedback to the local council (who fund and operate it).
    Sydney, Australia

  7. Ducky - the pusscats over at Marks Mews follow your blog. But TBT has been having issues with his computer for a while now. They can read your blog but they haven't been able to leave comments. They couldn't find an email address for you anywhere on your blog, so they asked me whether I could leave this comment (i) to let you know that they're still reading but can't comment and (ii) to ask you whether you could email TBT at because he would like to get in touch with your mum to see if the problem can be sorted out.

    Thanks Ducky.

    Sydney, Australia
    on behalf of Ayla, Marley, Laz, Lori and TBT


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