
Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Wonderful Wordy Wednesday

Final Wednesday for the February Challenge. Just a simple reminder to be kind. It doesn't take much effort to say please, thank you, you're welcome. Hold the door open for someone, take time to smile, be helpful!

It is a wintry day here today with snow, sleet and wind. A nice big pile of good books to curl up with and read in the winter. Where to start? At the top!

The Collector's Daughter subtitle A Novel of the Discovery of Tutankhamun's Tomb, the main character is Evelyn Herbert, the daughter of 5th Earl of Carnarvon who along with Howard Carter discovered Tutankhamum's tomb. Is there really a curse?

The Body in Question a relatively short book. Two people on jury duty have an affair and what happens when it is discovered and disclosed.

From Hollywood with Love all about Rom-Com movies. Well not ALL the rom-com movies, but a selected few over the past 30 years or so.

The Paris Apartment a sister comes to Paris to stay with her brother. When she arrives he isn't around. What happened to him and why?

All That Remains is written by a professor of forensic anthropologist. We die, when that happens, does it get investigated? What does a corpse tell us? Interesting book.

The Appeal is an oddly written book of a dump of emails and letters, texts. A murder has occurred, who done it? Many suspects, some red herrings. I found it hard to read with the bursts of information from so many sources. 

A couple of pics of my current bookmark, a freebee from the library that was given out during one of our Big Read events a few years ago. It has a few dog ears, but not in books, to me that is a huge NO-NO. Damages the  paper and then it could rip etc.


What is a Big Read? Libraries can apply for a grant from the NEA to do a big read. A library selects a book and plans events around the book. The NEA supplies the books, bookmarks too and along with funds to help defray the cost of the programming. So you get a larger number of people all reading the same book for a month. So there are various book discussion groups, maybe a movie or other documentaries, author visits all around the theme of the book. 

The books we did locally? True Grit, Station Eleven and Into the Beautiful North. I liked the first two books, didn't get into the third. Our local library hasn't gotten a grant for the past few years. Don't know if they didn't apply or just didn't get one. The NEA does skip you for a few years, only have so much money and can't fund everyone all the time.

 Happy Reading.


  1. I thought "The Paris Apartment" was fantastic, and am working my way through the author's other books. Lisa Jewel's books are somewhat similar.

  2. All those books sound good! I reeeely need to make time to just sit and read one day! My nose is buried in my computer. ugh.


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