
Monday, February 27, 2023

Mini-ManCat Monday

... she, that will with kittens jest, Should bear a kitten's joke. - William Cowper 

My kittenhood was a furry long time ago, although mum says I sometimes play like a kitten. 

We had an OK week but we had icky weather on Wednesday. Snow and sleet and heavy stuff to shovel for mum. Well she did use the snow eater. It wasn't so bad that she needed to reschedule her purrthday lunch. Again. It got pushed back from the week afor, cuz of the weather. 

 Mum made scrambley eggs with cheese yesterday. I got to clean up the plate! Yum. 

Today it is supposed to rain. Ick. Me and mum will just curl up and snuggle!

Happy week everyone.



  1. Now I want cheesy scrambley eggs! I am glad your mum got her birthday lunch.

  2. Snuggles are an excellent way to deal with rain! We have sun here today but it is pretty cold!

    The Chans

  3. Only 21 days until Spring. But, who's counting! :-) In the meantime snuggle, snuggle, snuggle...

  4. Ducky, we are experiencing sleet this very minute! UGH, wasn't there enough last week? Hoping the temps stay above freezing so it all melts away.

  5. Ooooo! Licking that plate made up for all the bad weather!


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