
Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Wonderful Wordy Wednesday

 Wow! March already. The days are longer, more sunshine! Spring is coming! I can see a couple of green shoots poking out of the ground on the south side of the house. 

I kept my reading to a reasonable level so far this year, 11 books in January, 12 in February. Enough time to savor the book, not just rush through. Although a few books this past month were page turners!

Code Girls was a book that gave an overview of the women who came to work for the US government as cryptanalysts in World War 2. How they were initially recruited from colleges, their work, living arrangements and personal relationships. I got the Young Readers Edition, so a bit abridged, but still fine.

X Marks the Scot is another installment on the Liss MacCrimmons mysteries. Yes, another body, possible hidden treasure. One thing is that the author has in a few recent books referred to the passage of time. So not a murder coming every 3-6 months.

Kilt at the Highland Games this book precedes X Marks the Scot in the Liss MacCrimmons series. More who done it and why!

Whiskers and Lies, the latest of the Magical Cats mysteries. The librarian, her cats and detective boyfriend figure out who done it.

Foreverland the author's look at her marriage. Meeting her future husband, wedding, kids, etc. Sometimes it seemed a bit tongue in cheek or even a bit sarcastic, but it is her take on her marriage.

Where They Purr is a collection of photos of the homes of 28 cats. All pictures taken without posing the cats. From the descriptions the homes and cats all seemed to be residents of Australia. 

These books were checked out just before Thanksgiving. 

Well, not anymore! When it is bedtime I just go to bed. I don't even read in bed. I stayed up late as a kid and read in bed as a kid. As an adult I don't need to do that. 

Happy Reading.


  1. No rain at this end! Glorious sunshine, blue skies and cold temps! Happy Reading!

    The Chans

  2. I go to bed early, to read for awhile before closing my eyes.


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