
Monday, July 31, 2023

Mini-ManCat Monday

Cats are intended to teach us that not everything in nature has a purpose. - Garrison Keillor

  Hmm, I thinks I have a purpose. It is to look good and get love. I think I do a fantastic job at it too!

 We had some big thunder boomer storms on Friday night. We didn't get any damage here, we didn't lose power either. Mum is thankful for both of those things. What was good was that the heats and humidity went away. That meant open windows for us this weekend. 

Mum ordered more yarns! Sheesh, she has a closet full of yarns. She saw the bottom kit and wanted it just for the pattern. She said it was on reduced price and the one thing of green and gold yarns got her super low shipping cost. She has already made two hats on Sunday. 

 So we had a good week and me and mum hope you have a good week too.

Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Wonderful Wordy Wednesday

First of all Ducky wants to thank all of you who purred and prayed for the race car driver. SHE, Sam, was released from the hospital on Monday. Nothing broken, no internal injuries, but very sore. Worried about possible spinal injury and internal injuries since she took a hard lateral hit on the passenger side of the car. Below is the car, they cut the top off to get her out. I saw a video of the incident, video was from the car behind her. She got spun around and pretty much hit the cement barrier full on with the right side of the car. It also happened on the first lap of the race, so the cars were well bunched together yet too.

It is rare to get an accident this bad, but it shows how well all of the safety stuff works. That is part of what I do is to make sure that the driver is properly belted in before going out on the track. Cars can be replaced,sheet metal and fiberglass can be fixed but humans can't be replaced. I've talked to her at other races, she is a nice person. Hope to see her in the future at the track.

On to books and reading stuff during this hot weather and poor air quality. Good time to just be inside and read books.

The Murder of Mr. Wickham has the author bringing all of Jane Austen's couples into the same place at a house party. You have the long married Elizabeth and Darcy to others who are newly married. An uninvited Mr Wickham shows up and he seems to have some shady deals going on and possibly blackmail. He ends up dead. The oldest son of Darcy and another single female guest take to investigating.

The Great Stewardess Rebellion outlines the battles that stewardesses, now flight attendants, fought to get equal pay, ending restrictive policies by the airlines and eventually forming their own union. Lots of court cases using the 1964 Civil Rights act, primarily Title VII and other laws based on discrimination.

The Jane Austen Society a novel based on one of the last homes author Jane Austen lived in. A diverse group of people, some local, but includes a Hollywood start strive to save the house and contents from being dispersed by the hand of fate. Some interesting twists!

Fly Girl a memoir by a former flight attendant. She flew from 1978 to 1986 on TWA, doing domestic and international flights. Covers the training, schedules and duties that they had to do while on duty. Her time included what was the beginning of the end for TWA. 

Happy Reading.

Monday, July 24, 2023

Mini-ManCat Monday

Like a graceful vase, a cat, even when motionless, seems to flow. - George F. Will 

I had a super quiet weekend cuz mum went off to play with racy cars. She came home to do her sleeps, but went to bed early and got up early too. She said things were interesting, bad weather on Caturday and on Sunday weird stuff happened to make stuff get delayed and then a helly-chopper had to take a driver to the hospital. She doesn't know the driver or how he is doing. Can I ask for lots of purrs for them? Thanks. 

 Me sitting on mum to make sure she rested after she got home. Feets up, getting some foods inside her. She is tired and I will make sure she gets lots of rest of the next few days. 

Have a wonderful week everyone.


Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Wonderful Wordy Wednesday

A bunch of cozy mysteries, newer authors to me so trying them out. Lots of time to read, other than sports not much on television. Trying to do anything outside is hit and miss. Some because of the heat, other days poor air quality.

By Book or By Crook and Booked for Trouble are the two first books in the Lighthouse Mystery series. A 30-ish librarian comes back to the Outer Banks area of North Carolina where she spent her summers as a child. Escaping Boston, Harvard and a nearly arranged marriage, she meets up with two handsome men, a cop and the mayor! 

Mail-Order Murder and Tippy Toe Murder, the first two books of the Lucy Stone series. Actually Mail-Order Murder was also published as Mistletoe Murder which I had already read. Why they changed the title I don't know. But I checked it out not realizing that.  This series has a long list of titles and I did add them all to my list of books to read. The series was first started in the mid 1990s so lots of time to cover. Have to remember when I read these cell phones weren't all over the place!

Also the author Eva Gates writes under another pen name, Vicki Delany. I tried some of those books and didn't care for the style. Strange I like one set of books and not another by what is really the same author. 

One of the books I recently checked out still had the old paper inside where they used to stamp the due date! The book was published in 1997 and since people are still reading it they library has kept their copy. It is an early book of a series that is still being written and published. Kind of cool to see this.



 Happy Reading

Monday, July 17, 2023

Mini-ManCat Monday

 Cats are kindly masters, just so long as you remember your place.- Paul Gray 

Yeah, and mum's place is to be available so I can sit on her. Plus while I sit on her she must give me pets, cuddles and all sorts of other loves. 

Me and mum watching the basey ball game on Sunday. Our team is doing pretty good this year. Hope they keep it up, they are in first place right now. 


Just chilling in the front window, with the hots and bad air mum hasn't had the windows open much lately. 

 Yes mum, I see you taking another movie of me. Yes I am handsome and all, but really? Now? While I am trying to do my best to keep my appearance in tip top shape?

We even got to watch all of the basey ball game on Sunday. CrashCar got rained out and I guess they will try to race today. Mum is having lunch with Miss Kellie, so she may not see the entire race. 

We did get a good rain this past week so things are looking OK, but mum says things aren't growing that fast to use the grass eater for a while. 

Everyone have a good week. 



Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Wonderful Wordy Wednesday

 Short stack, actually half of what I checked out that evening.

Versailles: A Biography of a Palace is the story of the French palace built and used by Louis VIX, Louis XV and Louis XVI. Stories of why it was built, how it was used and the people who inhabited the palace. I did not visit it when I was in France a few years ago. I didn't have enough time to do justice to both the buildings and the garden.

Defending Jacob is about a 14 year old boy who is knifed and killed on the way to school. The main suspect seems to be a classmate. The interesting thing, the suspect's father is the assistant DA. Told from the perspective of the father and through transcripts of a grand jury proceeding. The ending wasn't what I expected.

The Lost Apothecary an interweaving of a story in late 18th century London and a current day woman on a trip to London. Current day, Caroline, is alone in London on what was supposed to be an anniversary trip with her husband. He's had an affair and she is using the time to decompress and think about her marriage. She finds an old apothecary vial mudlarking on the Thames. That leads her to investigate where this vial came from. Interesting story.

The Lying Game four girls meet at boarding school in the UK. Their thing is lying and sticking to it. Many years later it comes back to haunt them.

One of the graphics on a previous week mentioned that reading helps you live longer. I think it is because it relieves stress. You get to reading and forget all the modern day problems and news.

A good librarian is a wonderful thing to know and to have. Make use of the ones at your library!

 Happy Reading.

Monday, July 10, 2023

Mini-ManCat Monday

One is never sure, watching two cats washing each other, whether it's affection, the taste or a trial run for the jugular.- Helen Thomson 

Or if we are licking our human, is it for love or are we tenderizing the flesh? MOL

Kept hearing noise from outside. Mr Sqwerl wanted to mess with our watering can. Mum managed to get a couple of pics. 

 The weather improved, especially the air quality, so mum could open the windows and the big window that goes to the floor. 

Nice to sit in the front window, do some basic cleaning and then have a nice nap. 

Mum worked to even off the grass this week with the grass eater. We haven't had much rain so some places it wasn't growing much. Mum thinks if we don't get rain she won't have to use the grass eater for another 3-4 weeks!

Plus she has been doing crow-shay making hats. When she gets them all done I will have her post some pics. 

Hard to believe that we are at the middle of July too. Sheesh, where is summer going? 

Have a wonderful week everyone.