
Saturday, January 30, 2016


Hey everyone, Happy Weekend! Woohoo!

Me and mum have gotten it off to a good start, we had a nice long in the bed cuddle while it was all still dark. That way I know she won't be getting out and going someplace on me. Well, other than a short trip to the litter box room!

Mum has most of her weekend chores done. She paid the bills, finished filling all these forms for work, got the foods bought, got the metal monster all washed off. Still is planning on taking down the Christmouse lights outside (she still has them running for the evening hours), plus starting to get her tax stuff organized.

Me? I have had my brekkie, done some early morning zoomies for exercise, watched outside from various windows. Nap time is fast approaching!
Happy Weekend!

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Tuesday This and That

A few more snowflakes today, not much, but still. Me and mum both want spring to be here now, not in a few months. Mum says first day of spring is in 54 days.

Mum is furry mad at the sqwerls. They started eating at the lid on her box she keeps the nyger seed in for the finches. Stupid, destructive creatures! She puts out stuff for them to eat, why do they have to chew on the storage box. They don't even like nyger seed! Sunflower seed yes, mum keeps that stuff in metal containers they can't chew!

Miss Megan from Sydney, way down under had a comment on my post from last week Answer your Cat's Questions Day

Here are some questions that I'd be interested to know the answers to:
- how come you're a cat and your mum is a bein? Who decides that? And how is the decision made? Me and mum discussed, we don't or didn't decide this, guess God did.

- who designs the arrangement of the orange and white furs on your body? I'll give this one up to the man upstairs again.

- cats aren't natural hunters of fish, so how come most cats like fish?  It tastes good. I like ham and I am not likely to hunt a pig, or grilled beast, not gonna take down a cow.

Mum got a new puter at work. Says it is being a pain having to set stuff up, specially when the network is being wonky on her. She says the webs here at home is faster!

Hope every one is getting dug out of the snow out east. We haven't heard from Uncle Flip, but he is known for not communicating much.

Monday, January 25, 2016

ManCat Monday

Ignorant people think it is the noise which fighting cats make that is so aggravating, but it ain't so; it is the sickening grammar that they use.- Mark Twain

Made it to Monday, gotta send Mum back to day hunt! We just did the regular weekend stuff.
 Watched fevvers and mum readed her book, a big fat one again.
 Mum work on the blankie, with my help while we kept track of the feetsball games.
Here is where the blankie is at now. She has turned the last corner, the one down in the bottom. Mum says she is making progress much faster than she expected.

Feetsball Report. 

The Stouper Bowl is set. Mr Peyton and those wild horsies against the black kitties. Hmmm. I think me and mum want different teams to win the next game. Should be interesting.

Have a good week everyone.

Friday, January 22, 2016

Answer your Cat's Questions Day

Hey, how did I not get advanced notification of today. Answer your Cat's Questions Day

Ducky: Mum have you been keeping this from me?

Mum: Not really, I just saw it on the webs late yesterday. Since I wasn't feeling well and going to bed early, I didn't have time to sit to answer questions.

Ducky: Do you have time now?

Mum: Yes.

Ducky: OK.

Mum: So what is your next question?

Ducky: Ummm, I'm thinking. I need advance notice on stuff like this to think up good questions!

Mum: Take your time, we have all evening for this.

About 30 minutes later.

Ducky: Why is there air?

Mum: So we can breathe and stay alive.

Ducky: How much does it cost to feed the fevvers outside each year?

Mum: Last year it was $377.70 for the food I buy for the birds and your foods too. So just over a dollar a day. I buy as much as I can on sale to help save green papers.

Ducky: Do you love me?

Mum: Yes I love you, very much.

Ducky: Do you mind when I sleep with you or on you?

Mum: No, I like cuddling with you, and I am surprised when I wake up sometimes and you are laying on top of me. I didn't even feel you walk up there.

Ducky: Thanks mum. I guess that is all the questions I have right now.

Mum: OK, you know you can ask me questions any time. You don't have to just wait for the question day. OK?

Ducky: OK.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Tuesday This and That

We are slowly coming out of the deep freeze. It was up to double digits today for the high temperature and it isn't supposed to go below zero tonight.

Mum says she will open the drapes and curtins tomorrow morning. They haven't been opened since Sunday evening. Don't worry, I have other windows I can look out of to see what is going on.

Me on Caturday night while mum was working on the blankie.

Monday, January 18, 2016

ManCat Monday

Cats, no less liquid than their shadows, offer no angles to the wind. They slip, diminished, neat, through loopholes less than themselves. - A. S. J. Tessimond

BRRRRRRR, BRRRRRRR, BRRRRRR. I try to purr but my purrs come out as Brrr's, it is burry cold here. Below zero and all. Mum got all her chasing around done on Caturday, while the temperature was a little bit warm. She could stay home on Sunday and stay in the house with me. She did venture out to feed the fevvers, but that was it. That only took a few minutes. We did see one guy jogging on the snow covered trail in the back.

Bright and sunny outside, so while the sun was shining it felt good, but when the sun went away, it gets colder, faster.
 Me soaking up what sun I could yesterday morning. Felt good while the direct light was on me.
 Later in the day, just before it got dark, mum dropped the shades on the front windows. Helps keeps the cold out and the warms in. Me, just hanging out on the hammick getting a few naps and the warms blowing beneath me.

 Mum does the same for the big windows that go to the floor. We won't be looking out that way for a day or so, until it gets a bit warmer. It should be decent temps and stay above zero overnight in a few days. Then mum won't have to close these windows off. She even pulled out her flannel PJ's!

Feetsball Report

The Pack - the season is over for them. They tied the game on the last play of the regular time with a Hail Mary from QB ARodg. That forced overtime. In over time the red birds of the desert had a Hail Larry play and won after 3 plays and 65 seconds.

The Broncos - played the steel men and Mr Peyton played the whole game. They only scored one TD, but the kicker kicked the ball good through the uprights, so more points than the other guy. Now they get to play the guys named Pat next week.

Me, I am thinking that black cat team. We felines need to stick together!

Saturday, January 16, 2016


HiYa, Ducky here, happy Caturday! A little later than usual getting my post out. Mum wanted to get out and get her stuff done early. She is now home and ready to cook! Soup and pulled pork.

It started off all cloudy, now bright and sunny. That means grate places to nap in the sun. 
Yeah, this is the life, just soaking up the sunshines. It may be sunny but mum says it is going to get furry cold here over the weekend. So we will stay inside and be warm.

Mum got her annual box of orinch balls from Florida, good stuff to eat she says. Enuf to have one a day, or at least one each work day for her lunch, and be good until spring and warmer weather show up.

Later we will be ready to watch feetsball. The Pack is back playing the red birds in the desert. Hopefully it won't be a repeat of the game they played a few weeks ago.

Happy Weekend.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Tuesday This and That

Yay mum is back home, all safe and sound. Another trip for her and Miss Lynn to the mayo place. They had good driving, dry roads and mostly sunshine for the trip. There was a bit of snow overnight and some furry cold air, but that didn't bother them.

Mum was barely gone a whole 31 hours, didn't leave until mid Monday morning, back by 5 PM on Tuesday! Just about the time she normally gets home from day hunting.
It gives me lots of time to snooze. I am in my backup spot here for the heaty spot. You can just see it behind me and the table helps keep the warms down by me. Lots of sun during the day, a tiny bit of snow overnight here too.

Mum says she needs an early night. Too much driving hard to get places on time. Oh, Miss Lynn's checkup was terrific!

Monday, January 11, 2016

ManCat Monday

No tame animal has lost less of its native dignity or maintained more if its ancient reserve. The domestic cat might rebel tomorrow. - William Conway

Yeah, be nice or we are going to take over. Heck even if you are nice we are going to take over. Yep, world cat domination, you know it is coming.

We had a bit of snow on Caturday night, not much. Mum cleared off the driveway and with a sunny day it melted all clear. It is the coldest it has been so far this winter, so me and mum have been snuggling. She has been watching the mooving picture box, mostly feetsball, news, weather. Mum says we didn't win the jackpot, she had one number right! But then no one else won it either!
 Mum watch at least some of all of the feetsball games, all four of them, so she got lots done on the blankie. I was helping her above and below is how much is done as of halftime in the Packer game.
Feetsball Report

The Pack -Well the good team showed up this weekend. So they won, beating the Sunburns and moving on in the play offs. On Caturday they play the RedBirds, who beat the Pack pretty badly a few weeks ago.

Someone asked if I had to worry about getting dumped off mum's lap when she cheers. No, mum is not the type to jump off the couch and cheer. She may cheer, clap or if a touchdown is scored, raise her hands over her head. 

Playoff games were strange, all of the homes teams lost! That usually doesn't happen. So we will see what happens next weekend!

Saturday, January 9, 2016


Happy Weekend All! Nice to get through the first week of the year. Mum survived working all five days!
Me mooching treats early this AM. It is sort of icky lately. All foggy and such, can't see very far. Mum says it is going to get cold, so we have to be ready to snuggle.

Mum says lots of feetsball this weekend. That means mum will be working on the blankie while she watches. The Pack plays the last game of the weekend.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Tuesday This and That

Hey gang, hope all is well. Me and mum are just hanging out, watching the moving picture box. Mum did a lot of work on the blankie this weekend while she watched feetsball.
 It is now as wide as it will get, but it has to be longer. More feetsball games ahead to be able to work on it. Or just take time while watching the moving picture box.
This is me on mum's lap while she is trying to work on the blankie. Her lap gets kinda full!
Here is a short moovie with one mousie from my Secret Paw package. Thanks Colehouse Cats. Love this little mousie.

Monday, January 4, 2016

Mancat Monday

One cat just leads to another.  - Ernest Hemingway

Hmmm, I would like to stay as an only cat if I can. I like getting all the attention, treats, cuddles, toys and all. Mum has sometimes looked at kitties, but, she has talked to her furiends that she is happy with just me.

Well, the holly-daze are over. Mum has to go back to day hunting fives days a week. She hasn't done that for a month! She took some days off, then was sick, then the holly-daze. Oh, she wasn't gone super long on Caturday. Got her stuff done in a couple of hours, snagged some free lunch and then back home with me.

Yeah, I am using the hammick. It took a few days to figure out it wouldn't crash when I sit on it. The warms blow under the thing, so I still get warms. 

Feetsball Report

The Pack - played in prime time. First, mum didn't watch the whole game. She stopped to watch Downton Abbey in the middle of it. Mum sort of thinks the Not Ready for Prime Time Packers showed up again, they did have a bit of a spark at the end. The end result of the game was a Packer loss. So they are a wild card and will play the Washington Sunburns next weekend.

The Broncos - Mr Peyton played!  He gave them a spark in the second half. They will be the top seed in the playoffs, so they get next weekend off. Mum even got to watch the game which she was happy for that.

Happy week everyone!

Saturday, January 2, 2016


HiYa, Ducky here. All bright and sunny this morning as me and mum get up. We had our usual snuggles in the sleepy spot, a bit of fevver watching and some play time already.

Mum has to go in and do something at her day hunting gig today, so she will be leaving soon. Something about aging numbers. I don't get it, she does!
See all those sun beams! Mum may be gone, I know where I will be, sunning myself.

Happy Caturday.

Friday, January 1, 2016

Happy Mew Year!

Happy 2016 everyone. One year has ended and a new one started. Wonder what this new year will bring.

We are getting off to a slow start. Nice cuddles in the sleepy spot this morning, followed by a leisurely brekkie and mum gave me little bites of her bacon.

Here we are this morning, mum finally up, fully dressed, washed and fed. We are settling in to watch the purrade. Have a good one guys!