
Monday, February 27, 2023

Mini-ManCat Monday

... she, that will with kittens jest, Should bear a kitten's joke. - William Cowper 

My kittenhood was a furry long time ago, although mum says I sometimes play like a kitten. 

We had an OK week but we had icky weather on Wednesday. Snow and sleet and heavy stuff to shovel for mum. Well she did use the snow eater. It wasn't so bad that she needed to reschedule her purrthday lunch. Again. It got pushed back from the week afor, cuz of the weather. 

 Mum made scrambley eggs with cheese yesterday. I got to clean up the plate! Yum. 

Today it is supposed to rain. Ick. Me and mum will just curl up and snuggle!

Happy week everyone.


Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Wonderful Wordy Wednesday

Final Wednesday for the February Challenge. Just a simple reminder to be kind. It doesn't take much effort to say please, thank you, you're welcome. Hold the door open for someone, take time to smile, be helpful!

It is a wintry day here today with snow, sleet and wind. A nice big pile of good books to curl up with and read in the winter. Where to start? At the top!

The Collector's Daughter subtitle A Novel of the Discovery of Tutankhamun's Tomb, the main character is Evelyn Herbert, the daughter of 5th Earl of Carnarvon who along with Howard Carter discovered Tutankhamum's tomb. Is there really a curse?

The Body in Question a relatively short book. Two people on jury duty have an affair and what happens when it is discovered and disclosed.

From Hollywood with Love all about Rom-Com movies. Well not ALL the rom-com movies, but a selected few over the past 30 years or so.

The Paris Apartment a sister comes to Paris to stay with her brother. When she arrives he isn't around. What happened to him and why?

All That Remains is written by a professor of forensic anthropologist. We die, when that happens, does it get investigated? What does a corpse tell us? Interesting book.

The Appeal is an oddly written book of a dump of emails and letters, texts. A murder has occurred, who done it? Many suspects, some red herrings. I found it hard to read with the bursts of information from so many sources. 

A couple of pics of my current bookmark, a freebee from the library that was given out during one of our Big Read events a few years ago. It has a few dog ears, but not in books, to me that is a huge NO-NO. Damages the  paper and then it could rip etc.


What is a Big Read? Libraries can apply for a grant from the NEA to do a big read. A library selects a book and plans events around the book. The NEA supplies the books, bookmarks too and along with funds to help defray the cost of the programming. So you get a larger number of people all reading the same book for a month. So there are various book discussion groups, maybe a movie or other documentaries, author visits all around the theme of the book. 

The books we did locally? True Grit, Station Eleven and Into the Beautiful North. I liked the first two books, didn't get into the third. Our local library hasn't gotten a grant for the past few years. Don't know if they didn't apply or just didn't get one. The NEA does skip you for a few years, only have so much money and can't fund everyone all the time.

 Happy Reading.

Monday, February 20, 2023

Mini-ManCat Monday

Until one has loved an animal, part of one's soul remains unawakened. - Anatole France 

Mum loves me so she must be woke! HA HA HA. 

We have had snow and sun over the past few days, so the snow that came is melting. I am enjoying the sun puddles in the front window. 

Mum finished her hat, again. She didn't like it so she took it apart and did it over. Says this one fits just right.  Now she is back to crow-shay.

 Nope, no more feetsballl but we do have CrashCar instead. Me and mum watched, our guy didn't win.

Have a happy week.


Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Wonderful Wordy Wednesday

This weeks February Challenge, the local Food Pantry! It serves multiple areas and was founded by a group of local churches to join to do more together. 

I fill in as requested and help with checking the donations, as you see above, for expiration dates. Then moving them to the shelves for their type of food. Plus we prepare bags of food for pickup. Since the pandemic started clients no longer come inside to select their own items. They get three set bags and then the fourth one is where they can request special items that they might need. 

One book that I had been on a long wait list. The latest of the Library Lover's Mystery series. The only book I had to pick up at that time. I was the last of the holds as I could have renewed the book. However, these books usually only take me a day or two tops to read them.

The Plot and the Pendulum has an Edgar Allan Poe feel about it. Want to find a skeleton in a hidden room? Weird tricks of drafts, flickering lights and red herrings? Who done it?

 But then there is always the next book!

Happy Reading.

Monday, February 13, 2023

Mini-ManCat Monday

I prefer to live with Feline Sapiens, thank you very much.

Woohoo, today is a furry special day for me and mum. It is my 13th Gotcha-Versary! Can you believe it, I have been here a whole 13 years. 

Here are some of the first pics mum ever took of me. At the shelter where we first got to know each other. I was quiet and shy but she liked me anyway!

Being brought home and into her sleepy spot. She kept me and Derby apart for a while so I could settle in without too much trouble.

So once I got out of the PTU I headed under the bed. Mum made me feel comfortable by getting down on the floor too. I soon came out!

Tomorrow is Valentine's Day and then on Thursday it is mum's purrthday. It is a special year for her, as her purrthday ends in a ZERO!

So a bizzy week for me and mum, lots of cellybrating to do. So join in for a few nibbles and drinks with us!


Feetsball Report

Final one of the season. We survived the Stouper Bowl and the Chiefs  won! Concats! There is a former Packer on the team, so mum is happy he got his ring.

Happy week everyone!

Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Wonderful Wordy Wednesday

This weeks submission for February Challenge? My crochet stuff. Most of what I make gets donated to give to others. The bunch from a couple of years ago when I took them outside to take pictures!

The top two DVD's I won participating with friends for Trivia Night at the Library. Five of us get together, calling ourselves the Over the Hill Gang, and we do pretty good. The librarians answer the same question, so are we smarter than the librarians? Sometime yes, but two of our team members are retired librarians!

Prose and Cons the second book of the Magical Bookshop Mystery series.

The Perfect Escape, didn't get into this one.

The Paris Bookseller is a fictional account of the life of Sylvia Beach who owned the Shakespeare and Company bookstore in Paris. Of note is that she was the original publisher of James Joyce's Ulysses. About her life, her interactions with Joyce and friends and her life in Paris.

This Boy We Made a true story of a couple who has a child with a rare medical condition. How the couple interacts with a medical system and educational system for disabled people, compounded by the fact that they are a minority family.

The Power of Fun author states we need to have more fun. Actually more True Fun in our lives to combat depression and loneliness.


Happy Reading.

Monday, February 6, 2023

Mini-ManCat Monday

When she walked ... she stretched out long and thin like a little tiger, and held her head high to look over the grass as if she were threading the jungle. - Sarah Orne Jewett 

It has been a quiet week around here. Mum was mostly home, working on her hats, yes hats. Reading and otherwise not doing much. 

Me with hat number one. Below hat number one on mum's head outside in the sun.  This one is knitted

Hat number two on mum, this is a crow-shay hat. This took her all of three hours to make. Hat number one took three days. She was all squinty since the sun was out! Plus the sun is far enuf north it is starting to come inside our back windows.

Checking out mum's pile of books. Plus the mag from the book place about new books. 

Feetsball Report

I don't have one. The big game is next weekend. We did not watch the flag football game.  

Have a good week everyone!

Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Wonderful Wordy Wednesday

We have made it to February and a milestone. I started these book posts last year on February 2. Lots of books posted about and I hope that those of you who have seen these posts have perhaps found a few books to read. 

Also, as a part of the Cat Blogosphere because of Ducky, I am taking part to post about goodness, kindness, caring.

 For this first one is the sharing of my love of reading with all of you. The books and other stories we like to share.

Strawberried Alive, the latest installment of the Cupcake Bakery Mystery Series. Is someone trying to kill our favorite baker? 

The Scottie Barked at Midnight is the latest of the Liss MacCrimmon mystery series. Dancing and murder with the dogs.

What the Cat Dragged is the latest of the Cat in the Stacks mystery. Charlie and Diesel find a skeleton in an old house he inherits. Who is it?

The Replacement Wife and Weather Girl were two books I didn't get into. I read some of The Replacement Wife, plus the end. Was a bit intense for me. Weather Girl I couldn't get into, more of a romance book and I'm not a big reader of romance.

I was able to read 11 books in January. Not a huge amount but more than enough to keep me occupied when not doing other things and not feeling like I have to rush through a book. Last January it was 23! I also went through my list of books and pulled out some of the ones that are new authors or new series by authors I like. See if I want to continue or not.

Happy Reading.