
Monday, June 28, 2021

Mini-ManCat Monday - Purrthday Party

Cat angels are the reason there are no mice angels. - Mel Brooks

Mum says I am now a teenager and she hopes I don't give her the troubles that human teenagers give there human parents. 

Yep, mum left me for the weekend to go play with racy cars. It was the first time since Nov 2, 2019 that mum hadn't slept in her own bed. She said the new for her place she said was quiet and clean. She may stay there again.

 It was a bit rainy on Caturday, but it was a lighter rain and mist. So not bad mum said. Sunday was nicer, with sunny afternoon. The racy stuff was OK, good races, they went off on time and no one got hurt. They also served a nice dinner on them on Caturday night. 

OK, enuf of mum's stuff. On to my purrthday party. I had mum get all sorts of good stuff for us. So come on over, enjoy the foods and drinks. 


Plus nip cake! 


Saturday, June 26, 2021


 HiYa Ducky here. Happy Caturday. Going to be a off and on wet weekend. Lots of good napping time for me! I have to rest up, my purrthday is Monday!

Mum sat for a bit yesterday and worked on her crow-shay hats. She did it while she watched the basey ball game. First game that the team was allowed to have full capacity in the stands. However we could tell it wasn't a sell out. Lots of cheering fans. 

Mum readed on her pile of books. She finished the old pile and picked up a new batch on Thursday. Mum says she needs to keep her brain in tune. 

Oh yeah, mum got out her red traveling bag. Something tells me she might be going somewhere. I will keep you posted. 

Have a wonderful weekend. 

Thursday, June 24, 2021

Puzzle Garden Thursday

 Wow, another week has passed by. We got about 2 inches of rain in the past week, so the grass is greener and mum says the grass isn't crunchy when you walk on it now. 

First me and mum want to send love and healing purrs to Miss Jackie. She was the mum to Gorgeous Gingers Eric and Flynn. They are at The Bridge now and their mum needs our purrs. Get better soonest. 


Mum has her pile of paper that she recycles. She added the little black box, it smelled like butter and she had just opened a new box of the stuff. She didn't let me lick the butter.

We had excitement the other day. Mum was eating her lunch and heard sirens really loud. So when she finished eating and looked outside she noticed the bamulance driving out and the big red truck was parked by the naybors. The naybors said a guy on the trail was all confused so they called for help.

Hey dog! Get out of my yard! Mum said it was OK, he was on his leash and his human Nick had come over to tell mum what was going on. No, we have no way to know if they person is OK, but we hope they are OK. The dog is called Ollie. He is a corgi.

He wasn't the only introoder, mum caught this cat a few weeks ago passing through the garden. Mum thinks he lives in the nayborhood, she has seen him before running across the street and then up a tree.

Puzzles. One of me and one of a purrty flower taken by a fellow cat mom Brenda. She used to have Beau Beau and Angie, now has two gorgeous ginger Norwegian Forest cats.

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Monday, June 21, 2021

Mini-ManCat Monday

Cats regard humans as warm-blooded furniture.

Officially it is summer here now in the northern half of the globe. Longest daylight hours of the year, but it was a cloudy and a bit rainy. So hard to tell if it was long daylight day or not. 

I sat on mum's lap for a while yesterday. She worked on her crow-shay hats while she watched racy cars on the moving picture box. She finished one hat and did two more. Being a rainy day she didn't have to much else to do. She finished the last part of a book and did the washing. 

One of the shelters had a fund raising walk. This was one of the cats who was on the walk, he looks rather cool doesn't he?

Not much going on this week, everyone have a good week.

Saturday, June 19, 2021


 HiYa Ducky here. Happy Caturday. Me and mum are just planning to hang out for the weekend. She has been doing her chores. Dishes, recycling out to the bin, picking up stuff and making the place neat. Even a bit of the evil sucking monster. 

We had a couple of nice days in the middle of the week, so open windows for me to sniff. Mum even sat outside one night and readed her book. Nice temps, gentle breeze and no mosquitos! Plus it is Box Day so mum is showing me in the box from a couple of weeks ago. I am not a big box kittie so mum doesn't leave them around for me. 

Then the tree monkey guys were here. Mum had them come to fix the trees. The one out front had a big deaded branch up on top. Plus in places it was so low she had a hard time ducking under it to use the grass eater. In the back they took away the short tree stump too. Mum says they didn't even cut it, just wiggled it out of the ground. Now she needs dirt to fill up the hole!

In the back, the cut out lots of the little dead stuff and a few somewhat larger pieces but left the ones that mum hangs the fevver feeders on. The crabby apple tree looks much nicer.

In the front the dead stuff from up on top and the tree monkey way up doing his job.

Mum even got a moovie, no tree monkeys were hurt in this but mum said wow! Glad she got the moovie.

Happy Weekend to all and Happy Dad's Day to all the Dads!


Thursday, June 17, 2021

Garden Puzzle Thursday

 OK, we had a couple of really nice days. Open windows, nice breezes and not too hot. It is back to being hot today, so mum says no open windows today. 

It was so nice yesterday that after dinner mum went and sat outside on the patio. She took her book along to read and just relaxed. She stayed out until it got all dark and she couldn't see. Too bad she isn't a cat with our eyesight in the dark. 

Mum did use the grass eater this week. Even with the hots the grass in the shade grows so that is what she cut off. Didn't take her long to do just a little bit. 

 Me collecting lots of sun as it comes in the big windows in the back. Hot or not I loves to sit in the sun. 

Mum says our flowers are doing well, even the ones she just put in this year are blooming! Yipee. 

Puzzles are me and a couple of flowers!

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Monday, June 14, 2021

Mini-ManCat Monday

It's the cat's house. We just pay the mortgage.

Heck, mum doesn't even pay the mortgage, at least not anymore. Our house is paid for! Mum still has to pay to have people do stuff. The electric guy was here a couple of weeks ago. Tree people are supposed to come soon. Mum is even going to get someone to clean the place for her!

I surprized mum the other night. I was sitting in the spot where she normally puts her day clothes at night. Well after she got all settled in the sleepy spot I launched myself from the dresser onto the bed. Mum measured it and it is 5 feet from one spot to the next. I am almost 13 but I can still jump!

 My has some yummy stuff for lunch yesterday. It was berries, schaum torte and whipped cream. Mum let me lick the leftover whipped cream. Yummy for me too. 

 Mum also wasted lots of time this weekend watching woofies on the moving picture box. It was the postponed Westminster Kennel Club dog show. Interesting is that they held some of it outside. Smaller audience and not in NYC, but at a fancy estate near Sleepy Hollow. 

Her fave dog the German Shorthair Pointer made it to the Best in Show group. Best in show was a little ugly floofy thing, mum booed, she doesn't like little floofy dogs. Oh well. 

Everyone have a good week.