
Monday, November 29, 2021

Mini-ManCat Monday

There is, incidentally, no way of talking about cats that enables one to come off as a sane person. - Dan Greenberg

Ha! No wonder there are crazy cat lady people and crazy cat dad's too. 

Now I am going to comment on those of you who feel that mum should come home from her furiends with leftovers for me. No, it is there food and neither me nor mum think we should ask for a to go box to bring home. If one is offered that is different. Mum says they have to use green papers to get all that food and they deserve to keep it to eat themselves. 

Mum got a nice selfie with just a little bit of her when I was sitting on her boobities and soaking up the sun yesterday morning.
 The hanging out with mum watching the feetsball game and snoopervising the crow-shay.
The mum got an arial shot of me on her lap with the crow-shay. Mum wasn't happy with me as the blankie is now so big she can't flip it easily to when she gets to the end of a row. I am not happy that I get disturbed so she can flip the blankie. I finally get tired to getting moved so then I leave for a while. 

An update on the sad news from a week ago. Some crazy guy drove into a Christ-mouse purrade on purpose. He is in jail. Sadly six people got killed, five adults and one eight year old boy. Sixty people were hurt in some way and seven kids are still in the healing place, 18 had been there a week ago. We continue to send lots of comforting purrs to all those affected. 

Feetsball Report

The Pack - They played much better this week and beat the ramming team from LaLa Land. Even with ARodg and his broken toe they did OK. Mum didn't use any words from the bad word list which means it was a pretty good game. 

Bucky Badger - they played the Golden Rodent team from Mini-Soda and lost. They didn't look that good, not like some other games. If they had won they would have play in the Big 10 champion game on next Caturday. Oh well, they probably will still end up with a bowl game someplace. 

Have a good week, less than a month until Santa comes! Plus Happy Hanukkah to all those kits and humans who cellybrate!

Saturday, November 27, 2021


 HiYa Ducky here. Happy Caturday. Hope all my Mericky furiends are enjoying the long holly-day weekend. 

Mum went off to spend the day and overnight with her furiends. First time since 2018 that she has been. Three whole years ago! Two years ago she broked her ankle and didn't feel comfortable going that far from home. Last year we were all on stay home and be safe stuff. 

 Look at these beauty-ful birds! Done to purr-fection. Nope, no turkey here, these are ducks! Not me, not a Ducky. Nice and tasty. Even a very short moovie of those birds.

Before dinner started they had the official popping of the corks. Mum brought the stuff in the darker bottle and that cork flew the farthest! Mum said they polished off a lot of wine during dinner.

Lots of good foods to eat, lots to talk about. Mum was happy to see some of these people since she hadn't seen some of them for three years. A chance to talk and catch up. She also met a new woofie named Loki. A little fluff ball of a dog, a Pomeranian, mum said. He didn't bark much but he did want to jump at peoples legs. 

Mum fed me a nice feast afore she left. Gave me cuddles and kisses and said to guard the house good while she was gone. When she got home the house was still here so I guess I did a good job. Mum also did not bring leftovers for me, but she said they didn't eat it all either. Stuff for her furiends to eat over the weekend.

Plus me helping mum with the latest blankie, she is making good progress. More will get done during the feetball during the weekend. Plus mum is reading books as usual. 

So, that my furiends it my Caturday report. Have a grate rest of the weekend.

Thursday, November 25, 2021

Happy Thanksgiving

 Here in Mericky this is the official day for giving thanks. Something we should really do every day. Be thankful for what we have, not what we want.

So today, count your blessings, not the calories!

Monday, November 22, 2021

Mini-ManCat Monday

Cats' whiskers are so sensitive, they can find their way through the narrowest crack in a broken heart.

I am needing all of my whiskers today for peoples who are hurting today. Yesterday near us someone drove through people in a Christ-mouse purrade hitting people in the purrade and people just watching. As mum helps me write this we don't know the exact number of people hurt or if anyone died. Please join me in sending purrs to those who are hurting. 

Feetsball Report - The Pack lost to the ViQueens. It was a close game. 

Have a good week.

Saturday, November 20, 2021


 HiYa Ducky here. Happy Caturday. A bit cloudy at the moment but things are supposed to get sunny later and the temps are nice. Mum has to go out and bury her two-lip bulbs today so they bloom next spring. 

Mum got a few nice pics of me in the front window the other day. Just chillin'!

 Mum finished one blankie last night and started another one. She hasn't taken the official done picture yet. She wants more sun coming in the window to do that. 

Happy Weekend all, turkey day is coming soon.

Thursday, November 18, 2021

Thankful Thursday

 One week to the official thankful day. Me and mum are thankful for all we have!

Mum has pretty much finished off the outside work. Tuesday she cut down and hauled off the last of that stuff. Yesterday she moved leaves off the grass and into the street. The village people will come and take them away. 

Mum will need to use the grass eater one last time to chew up the last of the leaves and get the grass short for the snow season. 

Mum also got the Christ-mouse lights up on the front of the house. Those will be turned on after next Thursday. 

Once she gets all of this done then I won't have much to snoopervise, so then I guess I can just nap!


Monday, November 15, 2021

Mini-ManCat Monday

Cats are absolute individuals, with their own ideas about everything, including the people they own. - John Dingman

The one purrson I own is mum. I've got her heart wrapped up and in my paw. I love to sit on her and give her loves and get loves in return. 

The weather guessers guessed wrong again for us yesterday. Other than a little bit of snow on the house roofs that was all we got. Mum was even good to make sure she put the snow brush in the metal monster and she didn't need it. 

Mum went out on Caturday night for another racy car awards dinner. She didn't win anything again and she says she wasn't expecting to. Just nice to see some people one last time before the winter sets in. Mum says fewer people that usual, maybe about 80 instead of the usual 125-150. 

Mum had no problem driving, what snow was falling melted on the roads. 

Me and mum watching The Pack and ARodg. He had a week off to behave at home with the virus. 

The snow blowing around the stadium during the game. It wasn't enuf to make the game really interesting with collection on the ground. 

Feetsball Report

The Pack won. It was a low scoring game for most of the game but The Pack finally got into gear and scored. Even better they managed to keep the other team from scoring at all.

Happy week everyone. 

Saturday, November 13, 2021


 HiYa Ducky here. Happy Caturday. The seasons are changing. We saw our first white stuff come from the sky yesterday! Even more to come tomorrow.

Lots of leaves falling, finally mum says, from the trees. That is the last part of the yard cleanup for the year. Then mum can sit and read and crow-shay. Well, she does that anyway!

I will just nap! Happy weekend.

Thursday, November 11, 2021

Thursday - Veteran's Day


First we want to say thank you to all the veterans who have served our country. Mum's money man is a vet and we thank him for his service. 

Mum has made good progress on the fall yard stuff. She got the grass all mowed off, crunched up all the leaves. Of course the next day the leaves keep falling off the trees!

See how many leaves are still on our one maple tree! Mum is hoping for a few windy days to help bring down these leaves. 

One of the cool things mum found while she was cleaning up was seed pods from the milk weed that helps feed the monarch butterflies!

Me, just chilling!

Monday, November 8, 2021

Mini-ManCat Monday

The cat could very well be man's best friend, but he would never stoop to admit it. - Doug Larson

Well, maybe I should admit that mum is my furiend. I know she loves me. 

Mum took off Caturday afternoon and left me on my own until Sunday AM. She was off to one of the racy car group's dinner and awards thing. She didn't win anything and she didn't expect to. Got to see a few people she won't see until next spring. 

She stayed overnight with furiends since it is farther away. Said she got to sleep on a nice new mattress and went to bed early enuf to actually get her extra hour of sleep. 

Me hanging out on mum's lap after she got home yesterday and was watching the moving picture box. 

She got a couple of cool pics of the clouds as she rode along to the dinner. She didn't get a pic but she did see the cat claw moon!

Feetsball Report

The Pack - well first start for a different QB and well, just sayin' we need more than Love. At least they didn't get shut out and mum didn't expect them to win. She thinks the new guy seemed to do better as the game went on. Maybe next week the regular guy will be back next game, but mum is tired of his stories. 

So everyone have a good week. We are going to get a few more nice days. Maybe a few flakes in the air by next weekend!


Saturday, November 6, 2021


 HiYa Ducky here. Happy Caturday! It has been nice around Casa de Ducky. Slightly open windows even which is nice. 

Mum has been taking advantage of the nice weather to get the outside work done. She has almost finished getting the purr-enial garden cleaned up. Then once that is done, just the front flower beds to do and the leaves. First the leaves have to come off the trees. They are taking their time about that. 

Some action shots for you!

Mum is happy that we get to find that hour in the clocks tonight. She says she is so tired of getting up in the dark in the morning. So if you live in A-Meriky, don't forget to change your clocks back to regular time. 

Happy weekend.

Thursday, November 4, 2021

Dona Nobis Pacem


Joining with all the other Peace Bloggers today and always.

Monday, November 1, 2021

Mini-ManCat Monday

Cats are dangerous companions for writers because cat watching is a near-perfect method of writing avoidance. - Dan Greenburg

Guess that means mum will ever write the great American novel. 

Mum did something different this year with the people coming round for candy. Instead of popping up to answer the door she just sat outside on her chair and handed out the candy. About the same number of kids and she came back inside early since no kids had come for a long while. 

This is the people from across the street, sitting on their chairs with a fire to help keep them warm. It was from them mum got the idea to sit outside. When there were no kids they would visit.

Mum did some extra cleaning, mostly of my stuff. All my little beddies washed and she put a fresh cover on my hammick. I didn't take long to get back in on it to keep warm. 

It is a new month, turkey day will be coming soon too!