
Sunday, April 30, 2006

2-4-6-8 Tulips

This is how the fronted of the house looks with all of the tulips in bloom. Lots of color to brighten our days. Even a little windmill to make it look good.

But mum says she needs to get some other stuff to grow here in the summer. Not much good stuff grows here after the tulips go bye, bye.

Friday, April 28, 2006

How Can I....

How can I get my food dish up here?

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Finding a New Home - Part Two

One year ago today was the firsted day that I first spied the purrson who is now my mum. She came to the shelter and actually came in and looked at the kitties.
She went from cage to cage, looking at our little information tags. These tags said how old each kittie was, gender, other interesting facts about us. Mum said she didn't want to adopt a kittie who was a barn or farm stray, as she didn't know how well they would adapt to being an inside only kittie. My little sign said I was a boy, one and a half years old, all four paws de-clawed. Being re-homed as my firsted owner was put into a nursing home. Some one asked before if I ever see them now. No, mum wasn't told who she was, so wouldn't know how to contact them.

But as she came through she would try to get each of us to play with her. Some of the kitties didn't move, but not me. When she moved the little mousie by the door, I jumped on it and stuck my paw out to say 'Hi'. But she moved on visiting with all of the kitties, but then she lefted.

I thought, what a nice purrson. Come back and play with me some more.

To be continued....

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Goodnight, Sweet Silas

Lots of purrayers and love to the gang at Caturday. Silas joined his brother Fergus at the Rainbow Bridge.

Stop by and leave a message.

Monday, April 24, 2006

Things are Looking Up

Mum caughted me looking up the ceiling tonight. Just tracking the little fuzzy spider on the ceiling.

Thursday, April 20, 2006

2 Lips

Vir-ginger wented outside with mum tonight. Lots more of the pretty flowers are opening up and lots more green stuff too coming up.
Mum even gotted the grass eating monster out for a few minutes. She said she gave the grass a quick trim. The weather is being nice, mum has the windows open, you can hear the birdies singing. I thinks spring is here to stay.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Favorite Words - Redux

I am reposting this, 'cuz I don't thinks many of the kitties saw this last week. I know Timmy and William have, but still waiting for Scooby, Shaggy and Scout; Bonnie & Victor; Buddy & Finnegan.

My dear Princess Mia Bella blogged about favorite words that we blogging cats use. Since we are communicating in our second language we make up words that make sense to us. So here is a go at some of my favorite words.

1. Scritches - I always gotted these, but never knew what they were called. Wonderful ear, neck and chin rubs. I agree with PMB on this one.

2. Mericky - What Charlie and Pandora, Brit Cats, call the country I live in.

3. Poodins - that us! Cats, puddycats, or just poodins.

4. Hoo-has - Most of us boy cats don't have them anymore. But a recent visitor to William's neighborhood does.

5. Happy toes - what we cats have when we knead(make biscuits) on someone or something. This is from the Calico Girls.

Hmmmm, we haven't had a tag game in a while. So I will tag the following.

Scooby, Shaggy & Scout
Finnigan & Buddy
William of Mass Destruction
Timothy Dickens
Bonnie Underfoot & Victor Tabbycat

Let's see what your favorite new blogging words are.

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Finding a New Home - Part One

It was this day, Friday April 15, last year that I got taken to HAWS. My firsted owner couldn't keep me any more as she was being moved into a nursing home. I wasn't allowed to go along and be a kittie nurse for her. Mum has today as my first date in the shelter. There is a note in my adoption records about various shots and that my ears were clean when I was examined by the vet.

Mum says she decided to adopt a kittie earlier in the year, but wasn't going to actually get a kittie until after she gotted back from a trip to her nephew's wedding. So she had been reading all she could about kitties, selecting a kitty, what stuff she needed. Then she went shopping for all of that stuff.

Mum says she kept an eye on what kitties were available for adoption on the HAWS webby site. Checking us all out and even stopping by the shelter to fill out the application. But not actually coming in to look at the kitties. Said she didn't want to fall in love with a kittie she couldn't take home.

But she knew the time would be soon when she would be picked. But who would be the pickee?

To be continued...

Friday, April 14, 2006


It gotted very noisy last night just as mum and I were going to bed. Lots of clunks from the top of the house. Very loud, so I headed to the dungeon, but it was noisy there too. So I zoomed back up to be with mum. She gave me some scritches and said it would be OK in a few minutes. She was right.

When it got quieted down, she wented outside and gotted some of the things that made all of the noise. They were cold and wet, mum called them hail stones. Mum also said we don't normally get this large of hail stones up in Wisconsin.

Also a picture of the hail in the back yard. Mum didn't even let Vir-ginger go outside and she was very careful going out too. The official weather guy said this was a very dangerous storm. Mum also saved these and putted them in the big cold box. She wants to be able to show them to Grampie. Plus at 8:30 the nexted morning the all of the hail hadn't melted yet - overnight temps went into the high 40 degrees. Mum wented out to inspect for damage (none to the house), just a few small tree branches knocked down. So you can see a few of the hail stones that were still lefted this morning. Mum picked them up and put them together for the picture.

Plus it is going to be a very good day. Mum didn't go to work, but is hoping to work outside in the yard. But she says the grass is too wet to work right now. I think that means play time for me. Well at least play time in all of the paper stuff she is cleaning from her desk.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Favorite Words

My dear Princess Mia Bella blogged about favorite words that we blogging cats use. Since we are communicating in our second language we make up words that make sense to us. So here is a go at some of my favorite words.

1. Scritches - I always gotted these, but never knew what they were called. Wonderful ear, neck and chin rubs. I agree with PMB on this one.

2. Mericky - What Charlie and Pandora, Brit Cats, call the country I live in.

3. Poodins - that us! Cats, puddycats, or just poodins.

4. Hoo-has - Most of us boy cats don't have them anymore. But a recent visitor to William's neighbor hood does.

5. Happy toes - what we cats have when we knead(make biscuits) on someone or something. This is from the Calico Girls.

Hmmmm, we haven't had a tag game in a while. So I will tag the following.

Scooby, Shaggy & Scout
Finnigan & Buddy
William of Mass Destruction
Timothy Dickens
Bonnie Underfoot & Victor Tabbycat

Let's see what your favorite new blogging words are.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Outside Report

It has gotten very nice out the past few days. So Vir-ginger has been outside some more to report. She jumped up into the crab apple tree to get a better view of the back yard. She was looking for birdies and flowers. Then she watched mum rake part of the yard. Plus mum opened more windows today.

Mum showed Vir-ginger some plants that the neighbor calls 'naked ladies'. Hmmm. They don't look like ladies to me and I didn't know that plants wore clothes, so how could they be naked?
Mum says it is because the green stuff comes up now, dies back in June and the flowers appear all by themselves in July/August. Mum says they are also called 'majic or resurection lilies'.

And you see me sitting inside looking out. Mum are you sure I can't go outside?

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Race Ya

Hee hee. I usually go with mum when she heads to the dungeon. Plus I always win the race back up the stairs. It isn't even close, sometimes I wait until she almost catches up. But then I sprint ahead to win.

I've been practicing my speedracing and high jumping lots the past few days. Don't want to peak too soon for the Catolympics. But need to be in shape.

Monday, April 10, 2006

Linen Closet

Mum filled the closet back up so I won't totally get to take over the place for my own. But I do have enough space to get in and hide. Provided of course that mum leaves the door open, which she doesn't do very often. Mum said no to redecorating. Although after all of the comments about how the gold set off my coats so nicely, the current color scheme grew on me.

Lots of the kitties showed up at The Calico Girls for a dance party yesterday. We had lots of fun dancing, visiting and snacking.

Saturday, April 8, 2006

Smiley Boy?

This is how I was this morning. Mum, I know it is early in the day, but I want to play and play now. Put down the paper, leave your breakfast and play. NOW.

Patches Lady and the rest of the Calico Girls think I am a Smiley Boy, 'cuz I usually look happy. Just to show you that I can show my feisty side when needed. That is why mum thinks I am sassy. She says I was being quite a handful this morning. Well, you are home and I want to play. So don't ignore me.

The big pond from yesterday isn't very deep, so not suitable for boating, even a canoe. It was cold here this morning and it even had a little ice on it. Mum says with a few days and no more rain it will go away.

Mum is getting ready to watch the NCAA hockey final on the TV later. The Wisconsin Badgers are playing Boston College. We hope Bucky Badger wins.

Plus mum wented downtown yesterday with a friend to the musuem to look at some fancy stuff from the Vatican. Says she saw lots of people that had shirt or other name tags from the Fighting Sioux. That is the school that Scooby, Shaggy and Scout's mum wanted to win. But they losted on Thursday so, we won't have a kitty battle between SS&S's mom and my mum. Maybe thats a good thing.

Friday, April 7, 2006

The Big Pond

We hadded lots of rain again overnight. Mum went out and read her rain thingy and it said 1.3 inches. So that very big puddle is back that Vir-ginger reported on, it wented away and now it is back. Mum wented out and took pictures. Plus we saw a few snow flakes, yes snow flakes, today. Only a few, but we don't want anything. Even Vir-ginger didn't want to go outside.
I told Vir-ginger about all of your kind comments to her reports from outside. She will be doing more as things happen outside. Plus mum tooked the dead mousie picture and made it bigger and cut away some of the rest of the picture. Mum thinks it might have frozen in the snow and that it hasn't "faded" away yet.

Wednesday, April 5, 2006

First Flowers

Vir-ginger reports that we gotted our firsted flowers outside. Mum didn't think anything would bloom for a couple of days, but it gotted a bit warmer today. So you can see our firsted daff or maybe a jonquil. Plus a few croak-us-us.

Plus mum and Vir-ginger founded a surprise as they gotted the pictures. Can you see the deaded mousie here? It's back end is right at the end of the tulip leaf and pretty much in the middle of the picture. 90 degrees to the brown leaf that runs across the picture from side to side.

Tuesday, April 4, 2006

Report from Outside

Since I am not allowed to go out side, but my 'twin', whose name is Vir-ginger can. She won't blog, so this report is from her. Here she is giving me the low down on what is happening outside.

Here you see Vir-ginger, sitting by the few flowers that are almost ready to bloom. But it may take a few more warmer days to get the flowers to actually open. But most of our flowers aren't even close to blooming.

We have had lots of rain here. Max of Crew's Views posted about all of the rain we had here in Wisconsin on Sunday night and early Monday. Vir-ginger had mum take a picture of this big puddle that is on the neighbor's yard behind us. This puddle has actually gone down some since yesterday.

We just had lots of rain, no nasty tornados or hail and we hope all of our kittie friends and families are OK.

Saturday, April 1, 2006

Cleaning Dervish

She's at it again. Today mum tooked all of the stuff out of the closet where she hides the pressies and some of my extra toys. She calls it a linen closet. I think you should find a different place for your stuff. I think this will make a lovely kittie condo for me. Five levels to climb through, including a very secluded penthouse level. PMB, it would be a great quiet place to snuggle.

The ceilings are a little low but I can manage that. But lots of room to stretch out. I can stretch to my full length and not hit the side walls.

I may need to get a new decorator in, not sure about this gold wallpaper in here. Also, not much of a view when you close the door, so the door will have to go too.

Plus Grampie came over too. They worked outside in the garage in the morning. Mum said the gotted it all clean and arranged. Put the winter stuff away and got out the spring/summer stuff out. Chairs to sit on the patio and front porch. Lawn mower. Plus swepted out all of the dirt. Then after Grampie left mum worked on cleaning out the inside of the car. Wiping all of the dirt off, using the big sucking machine on it and all. It looks purrty good.