I gotted a package addressed to me today. This is the firsted time I gots anything like that. Inside was
Max's new book! I didn't know that mum had ordered it for me. It is even autographed and all. So thanks to mum for ordering it. Now she has to read it to me.
But mum checked and my question that I asked Max wasn't in the book. So I musted of stumped him! But the book is dedicated to all of us blogging kitties. Thanks Max.
Mum even gotted home from work early today. Plus she didn't work very hard this afternoon. Seems the big boss at work invited them to go watch the Wisconsin-Indiana basketball game. The big boss wented to school at Indiana, and he was happy as Indiana won. Hmmm, spend the afternoon watching sports, eating and drinking beer. What a way to make a living!
When mum came home she wented out and feeded the birdies. She hadded to fill up the special feeders with the nyger seeds. We was all out so she transferred the seed to smaller containers that is easier to handle. So now the birdies can all come around and have lots of snacks.