A cat can purr its way out of anything.- Donna McCrohan

I was just checking out the treat and toy cupboard. Fevvers, must get them. Mum took the picture, then moved me out of the way and closed the cupboard. I just look cute, purred at her and gave her a head bonk.
Mum and I had a nice weekend together. She got all of her stuff done and spent lots of time with me. It was nice to curl up at night together in the sleeping spot. I had a nice time at the spa. Got my usual good report, they think I am a sweetheart and cute kittie. I am welcome to come back!
I looked through her pictures that she took and look at all of the animal pictures I found. The flying monsters she was on all had a picture of a furry wild creature on the monster. She saw lots of them and here are some of the pictures. Wild cats, bears, birds, buns.

She said the ones she was on had an eagle, a snow shoe rabbit, a whale and an otter. Thankfully she did not end up on a plane with a vishus deer on it. I don't think she took any vishus deer repellant along with her.

But they did remind everyone that they could take a nap with the picture screens on the flying monster. Smart move, mum said she did take a nap, especially on the way out on Monday. She said she left here in the middle of the night to get there on time to take the flying monster.

Lots of purrs to Miss Peach who isn't feeling well. We are all thinking of you and sending lots of purrs to you and your beans.