Well, we had excitement here this morning. It started out quietly, mum got me breakfast, ate her breakfast and readed the paper. Then she went to get dressed. She sat down on the end of her bed and looked out the window into the crabby apple tree. There staring back at her was Mr Hawk! Can you see him sitting on the branch above the ginger cat? You can biggify any of these pictures if you need to!

Mum expected him to fly away real quick, but he didn't. She had time to go get her flashy box thing and takes lots of pictures.

He stay around long enough for mum to finish getting dressed and even to go into the other room to take pictures. He must have been keeping his other foot warm, but look at those talons of his! We kitties don't have any claws that long and big to fight with.

But then a cheeky little squirrel jumped up and ran up the tree and scared Mr Hawk away. I would have figured that Mr Hawk would have attacked the squirrel and had a snack! You can see Mr Hawk flying away and Mr Squirrel who is a bit out of focus, but above and to the right of where the hawk's tail is.

Mr Squirrel then proceeds to attack mum's birdie feeder! He kept working at it until he got it open!

Then jumped back into the tree. See the top flap of the feeder is hanging open to the left side of the feeder.

Then back down to stuff his face. So mum figured she would go out and scare Mr Squirrel away, but when she went to go out the back door, she saw Mr Hawk had just moved to a new tree.

He was sitting in the little maple tree right off of the patio! Waiting for a mousie or something else to eat I am sure. He sat here for a while, and then ....

Mr Squirrel ran over to that tree and Mr Hawk totally flew away! But mum took over 100 pictures of the hawk and squirrel. So we had lots to watch outside our windows this morning. Mum finally got pictures of Mr Hawk, just hanging around. She is furry happy about that.

Then she finally got to doing the rest of her morning working stuff. Cleaning, paying bills etc. So she opened the little room and there is this one last plant that mum still has and it is now blooming. Well, you know me, I need to check this out.

First from below.

Then from above.

Then jump up for a really close look.

Yes mum I do want to chew on this plant!

OK, I will just smell the flowers.

Then mum picked me up and we left the room. The door is now closed and I can't get at the flowers anymore.
Hope the rest of you have an exciting weekend too! Or not!