Of all animals, he alone attains the Contemplative Life. He regards the wheel of existence from without, like the Buddha. There is no pretense of sympathy about the cat. He lives alone, aloft, sublime, in a wise passiveness. - Andrew Lang
Well we are back to Monday and we are at the same stuff. Staying home, being safe. Mum is doing her chores, the cleaning stuff, the crafty stuff and all.
Mum has also been trying to figure out what to do about racy stuff. Right now she thinks she will just stay home. Says as much as she would like to see her furiends, it is better to wait until the all clear comes.
Me, I am just doing my normal stuff. Sleeping, eating, playing, bugging mum. Just the usual stuff.
Yeah, mum saw on the innerwebs that some beer company is giving away beers for those who adopt or foster dogs. Hey, what about us kitties, we are worth it too.
Plus mum was talking with her furiend this weekend and I found out that she was going to abandon me for a couple of weeks and go traveling. Well that virus thingy made her stay home, so I am happy for that. It is keeping her home with me instead of going all over the place. Plus she would have lost another hour of sleeps as where she would have been was hiding the hour in the clock this weekend. Super glad that mum is home with me.
Be home, be safe. We loves you all. Stay healthy.
Monday, March 30, 2020
Saturday, March 28, 2020
HiYa Ducky here. Happy Caturday. It is going to be a cloudy and rainy here today. Mum and I will take is easy, heck that is just like any other day around here.
I thinks some yoga, followed by a nice, long nap in my new beddie will make for a purrfect day. Mum will do whatever she wants. Read,, crow-shay, maybe cook a little too.
Stay healthy, stay a safe distance from each other. Happy weekend.
I thinks some yoga, followed by a nice, long nap in my new beddie will make for a purrfect day. Mum will do whatever she wants. Read,, crow-shay, maybe cook a little too.
Stay healthy, stay a safe distance from each other. Happy weekend.
Thursday, March 26, 2020
Throw Back Thursday
First I have to send my comforting purrs to Miss Lynn. Her mum died yesterday, she is really sad about it. Purr, purr, purr,purr,purr,purr,purr,purr,purr,purr,purr,purr.
Hope everyone is being social distant, but please don't go into isolation. Reach out and talk to someone, text someone etc. From what me and mum understand you can go outside, just don't get close to people. Exercise is good for you, the fresh air too.
Mum has checked on the girls, they want to stay away and be socially distant for now. So I have to report on the outside as I can. Mum did some work outside yesterday. Cutting back some dead stuff that she didn't get to last fall. Plus we have new flowers!
Today's Throw Back is to when Derby and I were just getting to know each other and sorta hanging out with each other.
ManCat Monday
Monday, March 29, 2010
Is there anything as beautiful as a cat's eyes? Jewel-like they captivate the heart. - Author Unknown
No there isn't and I think most of us have pretty good looking eyes. This is mum's favorite picture of me and my eyes. Way back when, I was still wearing my collar! My eyes are a light gold color.
Ducky has gold eyes too, but his are darker, mum says sort of amber like color. They go well with our ginger furs.
Sunday I was just hanging on one of our window perches, I had just inhaled some food and it decided to come right back up. But is wasn't the nice dry yak, it was all mushy, so mum had to wash the perch cover. She actually washed both perch covers and then dried them outside. They smell so nice and fresh now.
So since our perches were out of the windows for a while, Ducky and I had to use the window ledge in the kitchen to see out. Lots of robins and squirrels for us to watch.
Later in the evening, we were catching a few z's on the bed and the lights were out. Mum realized we were both there and went to get the flashy box. Before she actually could get the picture I decided I better move. Never trust the flashy box.
Mum after 6 days of working hard has the puter back exactly how she wants it, so now we can have more time to visit.
Abby asked where mum hides stuff on the 'puter. Well it isn't hidden on OUR 'puter, mum sends it off into cyberspace to a company called Mozy, it auto backs up our picture and other files. Then when your 'puter gets sick like ours did, once it is fixed you can download all of your stuff back to the 'puter. It does cost green papers to do this and there are other companies that do the same thing. So check around, compare prices and all of that good stuff. Millie's mum had recommended it to mum and mum used it at her old work too.
So guess we are back to normal for now. Happy almost the end of March!
Hope everyone is being social distant, but please don't go into isolation. Reach out and talk to someone, text someone etc. From what me and mum understand you can go outside, just don't get close to people. Exercise is good for you, the fresh air too.
Mum has checked on the girls, they want to stay away and be socially distant for now. So I have to report on the outside as I can. Mum did some work outside yesterday. Cutting back some dead stuff that she didn't get to last fall. Plus we have new flowers!
Today's Throw Back is to when Derby and I were just getting to know each other and sorta hanging out with each other.
ManCat Monday
Monday, March 29, 2010
Is there anything as beautiful as a cat's eyes? Jewel-like they captivate the heart. - Author Unknown
No there isn't and I think most of us have pretty good looking eyes. This is mum's favorite picture of me and my eyes. Way back when, I was still wearing my collar! My eyes are a light gold color.
Abby asked where mum hides stuff on the 'puter. Well it isn't hidden on OUR 'puter, mum sends it off into cyberspace to a company called Mozy, it auto backs up our picture and other files. Then when your 'puter gets sick like ours did, once it is fixed you can download all of your stuff back to the 'puter. It does cost green papers to do this and there are other companies that do the same thing. So check around, compare prices and all of that good stuff. Millie's mum had recommended it to mum and mum used it at her old work too.
So guess we are back to normal for now. Happy almost the end of March!
Monday, March 23, 2020
Mini-ManCat Monday
I am devoted to the study of cat bathing as a martial art.
Well I have been doing lots of bathing, as usual. With all that is going on mum is washing more too. Just what we gotta do these days.
Now there have been a few changes around here. Mum has moved my litter box from upstairs back to the dungeon. Plus I am back to having two litter boxes. I guess I can go down there to do my bizzness, Mum is happy she won't have to smell my bizzness anymore. MOL.
She figures now that she can go up and down stairs the box can go back. Plus it will give her more practice with bending her ankle all the time. Otherwise she was only doing stairs on laundry day. That is only one day of the week. Now she will have to do stairs every day.
Plus something new on Caturday, I finally decided to check out my Christmouse prezzie. Mum was bizzy doing stuff and looked to see me laying in the little beddie. She had to go quick and get the flashy box to record the moment. It was nice, the sun was coming in and yes, I discovered that it gets a little warm when you lay inside it.
So on Sunday I was back! Mum was reading her book and I had my bath which you see above, then curl up and have a really nice nap. Now I still go and hang out in the hammick, but I do like this one too.
Mum says it only took me three months to getting around to trying it out. Well, you know mum, we cats do thing on our own time.
Mum got dinner from one of our local places last night. Good fried chicken, plus sides. Gotta keep our local establishments going. Plus this is one of the newer places she would like to keep going.
On Caturday night our naybor across the street came over to check on mum, which was furry nice. Since he hadn't seen her about, mum told him we were fine. We have enuf TP, foods and such, which is what he was checking on. He works in a bizzness that supplies hospitals and his wife is a nurse. So we hope they stay healthy. We are thankful that they checked up on us. Good naybors.
Stay happy, stay safe, stay healthy.
Well I have been doing lots of bathing, as usual. With all that is going on mum is washing more too. Just what we gotta do these days.
She figures now that she can go up and down stairs the box can go back. Plus it will give her more practice with bending her ankle all the time. Otherwise she was only doing stairs on laundry day. That is only one day of the week. Now she will have to do stairs every day.
Plus something new on Caturday, I finally decided to check out my Christmouse prezzie. Mum was bizzy doing stuff and looked to see me laying in the little beddie. She had to go quick and get the flashy box to record the moment. It was nice, the sun was coming in and yes, I discovered that it gets a little warm when you lay inside it.
So on Sunday I was back! Mum was reading her book and I had my bath which you see above, then curl up and have a really nice nap. Now I still go and hang out in the hammick, but I do like this one too.
Mum says it only took me three months to getting around to trying it out. Well, you know mum, we cats do thing on our own time.
Mum got dinner from one of our local places last night. Good fried chicken, plus sides. Gotta keep our local establishments going. Plus this is one of the newer places she would like to keep going.
On Caturday night our naybor across the street came over to check on mum, which was furry nice. Since he hadn't seen her about, mum told him we were fine. We have enuf TP, foods and such, which is what he was checking on. He works in a bizzness that supplies hospitals and his wife is a nurse. So we hope they stay healthy. We are thankful that they checked up on us. Good naybors.
Stay happy, stay safe, stay healthy.
Saturday, March 21, 2020
HiYa Ducky here. Hope everyone is doing well and being well. Not much different around here these days, other than mum is probably home a little more than usual. No place for her to go since practically everything is shut down.
Mum is working on a few projects, like cleaning! Mum hates to clean so is doing it in small doses. She did get the kitchen counters all spiffy this week. She has stuff to go through, but if she decides to get rid of something she can't take it to the get rid of it place since it is closed for now.
Our usual early morning Caturday task is to watch and count fevvers. It was interrupted by sqwerl sex this morning. Sheesh. We have enuf of you furry rodents, quit trying to make more!
Stay safe, stay home, stay healthy.
Mum is working on a few projects, like cleaning! Mum hates to clean so is doing it in small doses. She did get the kitchen counters all spiffy this week. She has stuff to go through, but if she decides to get rid of something she can't take it to the get rid of it place since it is closed for now.
Our usual early morning Caturday task is to watch and count fevvers. It was interrupted by sqwerl sex this morning. Sheesh. We have enuf of you furry rodents, quit trying to make more!
Stay safe, stay home, stay healthy.
Thursday, March 19, 2020
Throw Back Thursday
Well hope everyone is OK. Me and mum are fine, hanging out with each other. Just sort of like we do normally but mum isn't off to anyplace cuz all the places she would go to are closed for now. She really only needs to go out for foods and right now we have enuf foods in the house for both of us.
Mum has chatted with both of our side naybors, they are both fine as well. One she chatted with as she got home from her walk on Tuesday. They were on a 2 week cruise but didn't come home sick. The other naybor, Carrie, stopped by yesterday with a box the guy in the brown shorts had left at her house instead of ours! Sheesh. She is fine too, staying home other than going to the hair salon on Monday. Mum is supposed to get her head furs cut next week, but she is prepared to have them cancel on her.
We had a nice sunny day on Tuesday and I took advantage of that by hanging out in the front window.
Today's Throw Back is looking back at a post that ended up as the 1,000 post. It took Derby from November 2005 to March 2010 to get to that number. So where are we at now? 2964. Wow, that is pretty good, nearly another 2,000 posts. Mum doesn amember exactly when we hit 2000 probably in 2016.
One Thousand Posts
Friday, March 19, 2010
Goodness, when I started this back in November 2005, who would have thunk I would still be doing this and get all the way to 1000 posts, about four and half years later! When I started this I had lived with mum for about 6 months, so I am coming up on my fifth Gotcha Day.
This was my first picture on my blog saying hello to the world. I had found Max, The PyschoKitty and wanted to share my life with all of you. Little did I know how many of you there are! We started out as a small group, now there are hundreds of us!
Kitties have come and gone, along with their blogs, but somehow I am still here. The biggest change for me has just come in the last few weeks, with Ducky moving into our home.
Ducky in the windows close to where I had one of my first photo shoots. Let's see if we are both still around for 2000 posts.
Ducky here! I have been pleased to meet so many of you. I hope we are all around for another 1000 posts, I gotta get my time in too! Yesterday for the first time I ated a treat right out of the lady's hand. Derby does that all the time, but I wasn't sure about doing it. Plus I stole some foods off of the lady's plate, it was just a bit of bread, but she better watch out or I will take something more yummy.
A note from mum:
I would like to say hello and thanks to all of the kitties and their beans for being such great furiends and friends over the past years. Amazing the community we have here, supportive and caring, funny and serious. We have laughed and shed tears together, celebrated and mourned.
I am happy that I have met you, and in some case met you face to face, but even our cyber meetings have helped to make connections between us. The feedback we can give each other by what has happened to us and our furkids can help the others.
BTW, the second litter box from the bathroom went to the basement on Wednesday, no accidents that I can find in the past day and half. So I have my bathroom back for me, no more gritty floor!
We won't be visiting much over the next few days. My main computer is having issues, so it went to the fix it shop, and the old one doesnt' have all of my links on it. Oh well, guess I will have to watch basketball, read a book and if the weather is nice, get outside.
Thanks to all of you for your friendship. May it continue.
Happy Weekend everyone.
Mum has chatted with both of our side naybors, they are both fine as well. One she chatted with as she got home from her walk on Tuesday. They were on a 2 week cruise but didn't come home sick. The other naybor, Carrie, stopped by yesterday with a box the guy in the brown shorts had left at her house instead of ours! Sheesh. She is fine too, staying home other than going to the hair salon on Monday. Mum is supposed to get her head furs cut next week, but she is prepared to have them cancel on her.
We had a nice sunny day on Tuesday and I took advantage of that by hanging out in the front window.
Today's Throw Back is looking back at a post that ended up as the 1,000 post. It took Derby from November 2005 to March 2010 to get to that number. So where are we at now? 2964. Wow, that is pretty good, nearly another 2,000 posts. Mum doesn amember exactly when we hit 2000 probably in 2016.
One Thousand Posts
Friday, March 19, 2010
Goodness, when I started this back in November 2005, who would have thunk I would still be doing this and get all the way to 1000 posts, about four and half years later! When I started this I had lived with mum for about 6 months, so I am coming up on my fifth Gotcha Day.
Kitties have come and gone, along with their blogs, but somehow I am still here. The biggest change for me has just come in the last few weeks, with Ducky moving into our home.
Ducky in the windows close to where I had one of my first photo shoots. Let's see if we are both still around for 2000 posts.

A note from mum:
I would like to say hello and thanks to all of the kitties and their beans for being such great furiends and friends over the past years. Amazing the community we have here, supportive and caring, funny and serious. We have laughed and shed tears together, celebrated and mourned.
I am happy that I have met you, and in some case met you face to face, but even our cyber meetings have helped to make connections between us. The feedback we can give each other by what has happened to us and our furkids can help the others.
BTW, the second litter box from the bathroom went to the basement on Wednesday, no accidents that I can find in the past day and half. So I have my bathroom back for me, no more gritty floor!
We won't be visiting much over the next few days. My main computer is having issues, so it went to the fix it shop, and the old one doesnt' have all of my links on it. Oh well, guess I will have to watch basketball, read a book and if the weather is nice, get outside.
Thanks to all of you for your friendship. May it continue.
Happy Weekend everyone.
Tuesday, March 17, 2020
Happy Saint Gertrude Day!
Happy Saint Gertrude Day. Patron saint of Cats and Gardeners. So we are twice blessed today.
Yeah, I know there is a guy named Pat who is all about today, but I like Gertrude better!
Yeah, I know there is a guy named Pat who is all about today, but I like Gertrude better!
Monday, March 16, 2020
Mini-ManCat Monday
Cats make life a little sweeter.
Better than sugar baby! We are the sweetest! Hope all of you had good weekends. Me and mum hung out a bit. She did a bit more food shopping on Sunday morning and she rolled the grilling machine out to its position for the summer.
There it is, all ready to go. Heated up and mum's burger sitting on the side. She even cleaned some of the cooties off before she used it. Otherwise she figures the heat kills everything.
One grilled gourmet cheddar bacon burger. They make the burgers with cheese and bacon in the patty. Mum put her own cheese on as well.
Me watching and yes I did get a taste.
Mum isn't going out much, but she did go to the Y on Sunday. Said it was not bizzy so she got a nice work on the therapy type pedal bike. Then for a ride for fresh air. It is supposed to be warmer, so she can just walk here at home and avoid people like she should.
Mum also got an email last night that the library was closing until further notice! Wowza! She will have to read her own books. She has lots of them to read, so she will be OK.
Have a good week and stay healthy.
Better than sugar baby! We are the sweetest! Hope all of you had good weekends. Me and mum hung out a bit. She did a bit more food shopping on Sunday morning and she rolled the grilling machine out to its position for the summer.
There it is, all ready to go. Heated up and mum's burger sitting on the side. She even cleaned some of the cooties off before she used it. Otherwise she figures the heat kills everything.
One grilled gourmet cheddar bacon burger. They make the burgers with cheese and bacon in the patty. Mum put her own cheese on as well.
Me watching and yes I did get a taste.
Mum isn't going out much, but she did go to the Y on Sunday. Said it was not bizzy so she got a nice work on the therapy type pedal bike. Then for a ride for fresh air. It is supposed to be warmer, so she can just walk here at home and avoid people like she should.
Mum also got an email last night that the library was closing until further notice! Wowza! She will have to read her own books. She has lots of them to read, so she will be OK.
Have a good week and stay healthy.
Saturday, March 14, 2020
HiYa Ducky here. Happy Caturday! It has been a strange week around here. Mum has been following all the crazy news with peoples getting sick and all. Plus she was supposed to go on a trip but that has now been cancelled, so she can stay home with me. She is healthy, so am I.
I was trying to hide from all the icky stuff, but that won't work here. Plus you can see the blankie in front of me and below is a pic of the finished blankie draped over the reading chair. It will get stored until fall when mum will donate it to give to a needy purrson.
Then with the bit of yarn she had left she made a hat that will get donated too.
Plus we can see that spring is coming. The last of the big snow pile. Mum will have to rake this out when it is no longer all wet.
Plus our first flower! The croci, daffs and two-lips are pushing up out of the ground now.
Ahhhh, lots of sun in the AM through the front window. So nice to nap here for a while. Even better than the hammick! Look at my cute toe beans!
Everyone have a good weekend. Stay safe and healthy.
I was trying to hide from all the icky stuff, but that won't work here. Plus you can see the blankie in front of me and below is a pic of the finished blankie draped over the reading chair. It will get stored until fall when mum will donate it to give to a needy purrson.
Then with the bit of yarn she had left she made a hat that will get donated too.
Plus we can see that spring is coming. The last of the big snow pile. Mum will have to rake this out when it is no longer all wet.
Plus our first flower! The croci, daffs and two-lips are pushing up out of the ground now.
Ahhhh, lots of sun in the AM through the front window. So nice to nap here for a while. Even better than the hammick! Look at my cute toe beans!
Everyone have a good weekend. Stay safe and healthy.
Thursday, March 12, 2020
Throw Back Thursday
Well we thought our snow was gone, but we got a hit yesterday which melted by lunch time. There is a tiny pile of snow where it got piled up, we hope it is gone soon.
Spring is coming, you can see the shoots of the new plants coming up from the ground. Mum took this pic a few days ago, we can see more green shoots now.
Today's throw back is to my first long post where I told you my story.
Ducky's Story
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Hi ya all, I have been here now for a month today, so as you guys say I can celebrate my one month Gotchaversary.
The lady said I can tell you my story. Well as much as I can remember, or she has been told.
I was first at the shelter as a kitten, in late summer 2008. They figured I was about 8 weeks old at the time. I got treated for worms as I had an icky grub on my furs that finally got taken away. Plus I got my manbits taken away. Over the next couple of months I was a bit sick, and got treated for being a sneezy guy. But once I was all healthy, I got adopted.
Can't tell you much about my first home, they had my front claws taken out and I kept getting outside and finally got outside for good. In winter of this year I got found with another kittie at a business called Briggs & Stratton, so I got the name of Briggs and the other kittie Stratton. We were brought to one shelter which ID's us by our chips and I went back to my original shelter, HAWS. Also from my chip they called the people who adopted me first, but they said they didn't want me back.
Once I was all healthy again, I got put with the other kitties for adoption. I had some nice neighbor kitties to chat with. Some like me had been on the run, other had peoples who couldn't care for them any more. One kittie was probably three to four times my size, his name was Meatball. I was just hanging out one day and visiting hours were just starting when this lady came in, she said hi to me and to Pouncer who was next to me.
This is the main kittie room at the shelter. The lady says this is all new and yes it is, I don't remember this at all. There are two fancy display rooms at the end and the windows on the far side are along the main entry walkway. There are nine apartments on the side, another display area, another nine apartments to the right off the picture edge. To the left are three large apartments for large kitties or bonded pair kitties. Then the lady went to look at Meatball and went WHOA, what a big kittie. Then she talked with a shelter bean for a bit.
Then a shelter people got me out of my apartment, and took me in a little room. The lady was there too and she had toys that we could play with. I got played with, cuddles, scritches and all. Then she left. Here is me in the little room with the lady when she played with me.
In a little bit a different shelter people came in and put me in a carrier and took me out front. The lady was in a chair signing the papers for me. I was going to go to live in her home now. On the way back she talked all about this Derby guy, and how nice I would have things.
Once we stopped, I got taken inside and into a back room and the doors closed. The lady just had me sit in the carrier for a bit while I heard her getting stuff together in the nearby room. Then she opened the carrier and left me alone.
I jumped out and for safety headed under the bed! When the lady came back, she just laid down on the floor and watched me. I soon got over my shyness and came out. The lady then sat on the bed and I jumped up there too.
So my first days continued like this, having my own suite of rooms. The lady would spend time with me and time with the big kittie. Then she actually let us see each other, and in a few more days had time together. I can hold my own against the big kittie, but the lady is only letting us be together when she is around. She says she needs to referee us at times.
Well for now it is nice as I get to sleep with the lady at night. She doesn't mind when I jump on the bed at night and snuggle with her. The other morning my crunchies were gone, so I kept pouncing on her until she finally got out of her sleep and fed me! The lady says in time that Derby and I will share our lives he will accept me and be nice to me and I will be nice to him. That means he has to share his blog with me too. Oh yes he does!
Vital Statistics
Date of Birth (estimated) - 6/28/08
Latest Gotcha Day - 2/13/10
Weight - 7 pounds 5 ounces
Full Name - Mallard Olympus CutiePie - A Mallard is a duck, Olympus since I was adopted while the 'Lympics were on. The lady's dad said I should be Oly since Derby is for Derby Day, but the lady said no, it could be my middle name. CutiePie, because I am!
Ducky is better, I am a tiny boy, I don't need a super long name! I see so many kitties out there who like me now have wonderful homes. I am happy for my new home and for your nice words and kindness in welcoming me to the great big world of the blogosphere.
Thank you.
Spring is coming, you can see the shoots of the new plants coming up from the ground. Mum took this pic a few days ago, we can see more green shoots now.
Today's throw back is to my first long post where I told you my story.
Ducky's Story
Saturday, March 13, 2010
The lady said I can tell you my story. Well as much as I can remember, or she has been told.
I was first at the shelter as a kitten, in late summer 2008. They figured I was about 8 weeks old at the time. I got treated for worms as I had an icky grub on my furs that finally got taken away. Plus I got my manbits taken away. Over the next couple of months I was a bit sick, and got treated for being a sneezy guy. But once I was all healthy, I got adopted.
Can't tell you much about my first home, they had my front claws taken out and I kept getting outside and finally got outside for good. In winter of this year I got found with another kittie at a business called Briggs & Stratton, so I got the name of Briggs and the other kittie Stratton. We were brought to one shelter which ID's us by our chips and I went back to my original shelter, HAWS. Also from my chip they called the people who adopted me first, but they said they didn't want me back.
Once I was all healthy again, I got put with the other kitties for adoption. I had some nice neighbor kitties to chat with. Some like me had been on the run, other had peoples who couldn't care for them any more. One kittie was probably three to four times my size, his name was Meatball. I was just hanging out one day and visiting hours were just starting when this lady came in, she said hi to me and to Pouncer who was next to me.
Then a shelter people got me out of my apartment, and took me in a little room. The lady was there too and she had toys that we could play with. I got played with, cuddles, scritches and all. Then she left. Here is me in the little room with the lady when she played with me.
Well for now it is nice as I get to sleep with the lady at night. She doesn't mind when I jump on the bed at night and snuggle with her. The other morning my crunchies were gone, so I kept pouncing on her until she finally got out of her sleep and fed me! The lady says in time that Derby and I will share our lives he will accept me and be nice to me and I will be nice to him. That means he has to share his blog with me too. Oh yes he does!
Vital Statistics
Date of Birth (estimated) - 6/28/08
Latest Gotcha Day - 2/13/10
Weight - 7 pounds 5 ounces
Full Name - Mallard Olympus CutiePie - A Mallard is a duck, Olympus since I was adopted while the 'Lympics were on. The lady's dad said I should be Oly since Derby is for Derby Day, but the lady said no, it could be my middle name. CutiePie, because I am!
Ducky is better, I am a tiny boy, I don't need a super long name! I see so many kitties out there who like me now have wonderful homes. I am happy for my new home and for your nice words and kindness in welcoming me to the great big world of the blogosphere.
Thank you.
Monday, March 9, 2020
Mini-ManCat Monday
Cats run on friction, not batteries - you pet, she purrs.
I loves my pets from mum and yes I purr and purr and purr. We had a nice weekend. Warmish but also windy. Mum had a windows open but not WIDE open. That is OK. Lots and lots of snow went away this weekend from our yard and that is a good thing.
You see the pic from Caturday with the big pile of snow just outside the big windows that go to the floor, well here is what it looks like as of yesterday afternoon and then a few hours later. Not much left on the grass either!
The above ones were taken about 4 PM and then the one below about 7 PM. So lots went away in just a few hours.
Mum walked a bit outside although not for long. So windy she was walking into the wind or it was blowing at her from the side a lot. She did enuf to help break in her new shoes some more. Then it was time to head inside with me.
I sat on her while she rested and readed her book. Then I went to check out the new bed thing that has been here since Christmouse. Mum picked me up and put me inside for a minute, but as soon as I could I left. I liked the old one but mum says it won't be coming back!
Every one have a good week, Try to stay healthy too.
I loves my pets from mum and yes I purr and purr and purr. We had a nice weekend. Warmish but also windy. Mum had a windows open but not WIDE open. That is OK. Lots and lots of snow went away this weekend from our yard and that is a good thing.
You see the pic from Caturday with the big pile of snow just outside the big windows that go to the floor, well here is what it looks like as of yesterday afternoon and then a few hours later. Not much left on the grass either!
The above ones were taken about 4 PM and then the one below about 7 PM. So lots went away in just a few hours.
Mum walked a bit outside although not for long. So windy she was walking into the wind or it was blowing at her from the side a lot. She did enuf to help break in her new shoes some more. Then it was time to head inside with me.
I sat on her while she rested and readed her book. Then I went to check out the new bed thing that has been here since Christmouse. Mum picked me up and put me inside for a minute, but as soon as I could I left. I liked the old one but mum says it won't be coming back!
Every one have a good week, Try to stay healthy too.
Saturday, March 7, 2020
HiYa Ducky here! Happy Spring, more signs of spring, the snow is going away and me and mum saw our first robin yesterday.This was what the back looked liked yesterday AM. We had lots of sunshine yesterday so more is gone, plus this weekend is going to be really warm. That means open windows!
Mum just caught Mr Robin as he flew away from the meal worm feeder. When mum went outside later she could hear and see him up in the maple tree. Later he came around to get a drink.
Mum even walked around the parts of the yard that had no snow. She can see more of the two-lips, daffs and crocus flowers coming up. Future flowers coming!
She also checked out the back and thinks she sees the vine that tripped her up and broked her ankle. She could get at it yet as there is snow, but once she can she will go out and cut it!
Plus she walked around the yard without her brace on and her ankle felt just fine. That's a good thing.
I was having fun last night playing with the end of mum's yarn stuff. She has been trying to get the purple blankie done, then she will be done with blankies until it gets cold again next fall. She will work on hats while it is warm.
Everyone have a good weekend and I hope you get lots of warms and window whiffs!
Mum just caught Mr Robin as he flew away from the meal worm feeder. When mum went outside later she could hear and see him up in the maple tree. Later he came around to get a drink.
Mum even walked around the parts of the yard that had no snow. She can see more of the two-lips, daffs and crocus flowers coming up. Future flowers coming!
She also checked out the back and thinks she sees the vine that tripped her up and broked her ankle. She could get at it yet as there is snow, but once she can she will go out and cut it!
Plus she walked around the yard without her brace on and her ankle felt just fine. That's a good thing.
Everyone have a good weekend and I hope you get lots of warms and window whiffs!
Thursday, March 5, 2020
Throw Back Thursday
Wowza, the weather continues to be nice. Mum is leaving the window open in her sleepy spot all the time. Just a little bit open, but that means fresh air 24/7.
It has been so nice I have begun napping in the front window, soaking up the sun as I bath, then a bit of a nap.
Mum got a moovie to watch from the library. All about racy cars.
Today's throw back is looking back to open windows and me and Derby starting to get used to each other some more.
Open Windows and 'Sploring
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Mum took off for a while this morning, but then she came home with Grampie, but they just sat outside in the sunshine for a bit. Plus they talked to some of the neighbors who have sticky little things that came over too.
But after mum took Grampie home she opened the windows! Yes she did!
The fresh air is delish!
I agree Derby! Oh my, we actually agree on something!
The lady even opened the big window in the back, just a tiny bit so we could get fresh air and see the birdies.
Then the lady got busy, even going down those stairs to do something. I followed along to see what I could find. Hmm, a bit cluttery, messy and dirty, just your basic basement. Derby calls it the dungeon.
Boxes and a fake tree.
Sort laundry, plus the washy machine was working on a load at the time.
More litter boxes.
A big old room with tools and stuff. The lady says it is the work area. I smell mousies here too.
Guess I gotta go by the big kittie if I want to go back upstairs. No problem, I will just jump over him.
I won't get lost if I have to go down here again. Places to 'splore but no place to get outside.
It has been so nice I have begun napping in the front window, soaking up the sun as I bath, then a bit of a nap.
Mum got a moovie to watch from the library. All about racy cars.
Today's throw back is looking back to open windows and me and Derby starting to get used to each other some more.
Open Windows and 'Sploring
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Mum took off for a while this morning, but then she came home with Grampie, but they just sat outside in the sunshine for a bit. Plus they talked to some of the neighbors who have sticky little things that came over too.
But after mum took Grampie home she opened the windows! Yes she did!
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