A cat, I am sure, could walk on a cloud without coming through. - Jules Verne
Hiya Ducky here. I is feeling better, thanksc for all of your purrs.
It was a couple of some not so good days as mum thinks this may have started on Wednesday, but got worse on Thursday. Mum took me to the VET on Friday, they weighed me and I had lost nearly a whole pound since my checkup three weeks ago. They gave me subQ fluids and after a couple of hours I was getting back to my normal self. Mum kept me and Derby apart, just in case what I had was catchable AND so I could have some peace to rest and get better.

Friday night mum spent most of the evening with me on her sleepy spot. Hey, I see you missed some spidey webs up there when you cleaned last weekend!

Yeah, scritches, we all love scritches. Mum could tell as the evening went on I was doing better. I began to eat more and drink more too. I started to jump again, a little tentative at first but improving as the evening went on.
On Caturday mum kept me away from Derby. She was in and out during the day. She had the ususal shopping to do. The took herself to the moovies and saw The King's Speech. She liked it and said she could tell why it won so many awards. She gives it the thumbs up and to go see it if you haven't.

Caturday evening I posed real nice for mum . She had moved into the sleepy room with me for the evening. She watched the 25th Anniversary Concert for Le Miz. She was sort of singing along, thankfully not too much.

I kept her in place by sitting on her most of the night!

And this is what she woke up to on Sunday morning. Get going sleepy head, the sun is up, fill up my dish of noms!

I posed one more time on Sunday morning. Then once she was all dressed she opened up the doors and Derby and I could interact again. A bit more chasing / hissing and such for the first few hours, then we settled down. If I really wanted peace and quiet, I just went back to my hidey spot for a while. But I was out in the rest of the house too. I came to help mum with a big file for work and sat on her chest while she worked. CrashCar was on in the background.
I have my pills to take, but she doesn't shove a pill at me. But I have been getting a little bit of tuna every evening with some fancy sprinkles of yellow on the top.

Derby is around, but he isn't too swift on the concept of the TurboTrak. It isn't made to be sat on, you gotta make the little ball move. Sheesh, such a simple concept that he cannot seem to master.
Again, thanks for all of your purrs. I am pretty much back to normal. Phew, long post, I gotta rest now!