Lots of purrs for ML, KC, Missy and the Mites mum. She has been feeling poorly. So we all need to send healing purrs to her. PURR, PURR, PURR, PURR, PURR.
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Mum has these little boxes near the couch.
Something for her and something for me.
I will take some of the treats from my box!
It got furry cold here again. Yesterday it started out furry warm 40 F and then suddently it got windy and the temperature thingy drop and dropped and dropped. Quickly, down into the 20's in under two hours. By the time mum went to bed it was just 2 degrees out. It got really cold again overnight too. But lots of sun today, so sun spots to nap in.
Lots of purrs for ML, KC, Missy and the Mites mum. She has been feeling poorly. So we all need to send healing purrs to her. PURR, PURR, PURR, PURR, PURR.
Lots of purrs for ML, KC, Missy and the Mites mum. She has been feeling poorly. So we all need to send healing purrs to her. PURR, PURR, PURR, PURR, PURR.
Monday, January 28, 2008
ManCat Monday
To assume a cat's asleep is a grave mistake. He can close his eyes and keep both his ears awake. - Aileen Fisher

Mum took these two pictures just a few seconds apart. My ears heard the flashy box going off, so I figured I better open my eyes and see what she wanted. Do we really need to do a photo shoot right now?
My buddy Icon Baxter Bently wanted pictures of those of us who have tents. Happy to oblige. I have four of the tents that are hooked together and they go along the back of the chair mum uses to watch birdies from, sort of an L shape the the long side you can go through in a straight line.
Sometimes I just nap.
Other times I play hard and put them on their side then..
crawl right back in or...
tunnel under them.
Coming through! I love these as I run through them and hide from mum and sometimes ambush her as she walks. Makes her go 'eeek'.
About the soup mum made on Saturday. She got this recipe from her aunt Mary in Ioway a few years ago when she and Grampie were visiting. Her aunt served it for lunch and both mum and Grampie liked it. Mum says it is easy to make. To cut things up she uses a little hand machine to chop up the stuff. Faster than actually dicing things, plus mum likes the smaller pieces rather than big chunks.
Potato Soup
6 cups diced potatoes
1/2 cup diced onions (mum uses more, she likes onion)
1 cup diced carrots
1 cup diced celery
2 Tbsp parsley
2 cups water
2 chicken bouillon cubes
Salt and pepper
Put all of the above in a big microwave safe container and cook, covered on high until veggies are tender. With a 1000 watt microwave that is 25-30 minutes.
1 pound Velveeta cheese cut into cubes
4 cups milk
2 Tbsp flour.
When the veggie part is done cooking, dump in the cheese. Add the flour to the milk, stir up good. Then add to the veggies
Cook another 8-10 minutes until the cheese is melted.
Stir well and dispense into containers or serve. This soup freezes very well. Makes 10-12 one cup servings.
My buddy Icon Baxter Bently wanted pictures of those of us who have tents. Happy to oblige. I have four of the tents that are hooked together and they go along the back of the chair mum uses to watch birdies from, sort of an L shape the the long side you can go through in a straight line.
Potato Soup
6 cups diced potatoes
1/2 cup diced onions (mum uses more, she likes onion)
1 cup diced carrots
1 cup diced celery
2 Tbsp parsley
2 cups water
2 chicken bouillon cubes
Salt and pepper
Put all of the above in a big microwave safe container and cook, covered on high until veggies are tender. With a 1000 watt microwave that is 25-30 minutes.
1 pound Velveeta cheese cut into cubes
4 cups milk
2 Tbsp flour.
When the veggie part is done cooking, dump in the cheese. Add the flour to the milk, stir up good. Then add to the veggies
Cook another 8-10 minutes until the cheese is melted.
Stir well and dispense into containers or serve. This soup freezes very well. Makes 10-12 one cup servings.
Saturday, January 26, 2008
It's an easy one, all you have to do is tell everyone 3 things that are new with you! Link it back to the kitty who gave it to you and Tigmuthep and pass it on to 3 more kitties you'd like to know more about!
This is hard, I can't readily think of three new things. It is just the same old stuff, mum, me, birdies etc. So I gotta think about this a bit. So amuse yourselves for a few minutes. Or you can look at my picture.
1. I am now a naked kittie. Mum has not put my collar back on since I came back from the kittie spa back in October.
2. I wait in the kitchen window until I see the postman coming. Then I run to the front windows by the box, then when he walks away, I run to the other end of the house and watch him go to the neighbors house. The post man never looks at me and mum thinks it is funny.
3. I let mum rub and pet my tummy but I won't let her brush me with the ZoomGroom on my tummy.
The three kitties I tag are:
Wrigley and Cobalt
Goldenshade (Goldie)
Lyra and Caesar
Yeah that is more than 3 kitties but they share blogs! And these are some new kitties to blogging. So go say hello and welcome them if you have not already done so. Wrigley and Cobalt even joined in our purrayer vigil the other evening.
So what else has been happening in the house lately. Mum has been playing music, specifically The Phantom of the Opera cast album. She saw in the newsy paper today that the show opened in New York 20 years ago today.
Plus she has been furry busy doing stuff, the sucking monster, getting her fur cut and making a huge batch of soup for Grampie. I wanted to help, but mum said no, so I went and watched the birdies.
Friday, January 25, 2008
Funky Fang Shui Friday
Thinking inside the box can bring inner peace and a good place to nap.
This picture is from last year when mum's shipment of orinch balls comes from Florida. Mum calls them sunshine you can eat. I like the box in the sun to nap in. It is a win-win situation. Mum gets her orinch ball to eat, I get a box!
We ManCats have a new place to hang out. The M-Cats Club. A nice place for us ManCats and ManCats in training to let our furs down and chill. No worries about impressing the ladycats, just a chance for us to be us. Drop by and check it out, it's a real cool place!
It is supposed to finally get warmer here this weekend. It has been way too cold, so cold that mum keeps the blinds down to keep the warmth in the house. But I can still get at sunny windows to get my sun spots. And behind them to see the birdies in the back yard.
To brighten up the landscape, which is mainly white a picture of flowers from last summer. Virginger and Phat Flower Eric (PFE) with the pretty impatient flowers. I can't wait until spring gets here, when we have flowers again and open windows.
WooHoo, the weekend is here. Have fun everyone.
We ManCats have a new place to hang out. The M-Cats Club. A nice place for us ManCats and ManCats in training to let our furs down and chill. No worries about impressing the ladycats, just a chance for us to be us. Drop by and check it out, it's a real cool place!
It is supposed to finally get warmer here this weekend. It has been way too cold, so cold that mum keeps the blinds down to keep the warmth in the house. But I can still get at sunny windows to get my sun spots. And behind them to see the birdies in the back yard.
To brighten up the landscape, which is mainly white a picture of flowers from last summer. Virginger and Phat Flower Eric (PFE) with the pretty impatient flowers. I can't wait until spring gets here, when we have flowers again and open windows.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
No, I am not getting ready to sing, at least not just now. Maybe at 3 AM to wake up mum.
I have been tagged to do a meme from my friend Sammy Meezer.
I have been tagged to do a meme from my friend Sammy Meezer.
This meme was created by the charming cats at http://www.petspics.blogspot.com/.
The rules are: you have to post who tagged you and link back to them and then to petspics.blogspot.com.
Then you have to tag 3 other kitties, beans, woofies, or any other assorted animal.
What three things would you do that you have never done before, if you knew you wouldn't get caught, get in trouble, or suffer any consequences?
1. Open the big cold box and eat all of the meat mum has stored in there.
2. Open the big plastic box that mum keeps my crunchies in and eat it ALL.
3. Open the cupboard and get all the treats out and eat them.
Hmmm, I detect a pattern here. You would think I don't get fed enough! But if there are no consequences, then I won't get fat or sick from eating too much!
The rules are: you have to post who tagged you and link back to them and then to petspics.blogspot.com.
Then you have to tag 3 other kitties, beans, woofies, or any other assorted animal.
What three things would you do that you have never done before, if you knew you wouldn't get caught, get in trouble, or suffer any consequences?
1. Open the big cold box and eat all of the meat mum has stored in there.
2. Open the big plastic box that mum keeps my crunchies in and eat it ALL.
3. Open the cupboard and get all the treats out and eat them.
Hmmm, I detect a pattern here. You would think I don't get fed enough! But if there are no consequences, then I won't get fat or sick from eating too much!
I would like to tag:
Max, The PyschoKitty
Max, The PyschoKitty
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Oh Snow
Yes the snow machine started up again. It started yesterday morning and just kept coming. The nice thing is that mum came home from work early from work on Monday. Before the driving got really bad. But it still took her 45 minutes to get home, twice as long as normal, but she and everyone in her department all got home safely.
Plus when she went out to use the snow eating monster this morning and raking the snow from off the roof. It took a long time to clear all of the snow, nearly 10 inches. It was light and fluffy snow, but 10 inches is 10 inches. But then, instead of leaving to work, she stayed home to work! Yipee, I had extra mum time!
So here is a picture of the new snow! Plus we had a lovely sunny day, so I had lots of sun spots to nap in.
Plus you see me here being a sort of lap kittie. I was sitting next to mum and putting my paws on her lap! I am sort of like Darling Millie. I will snuggle and get close to mum's lap on MY terms.
My furiends Beau Beau and Angie gave me an award. I make their day. Thanks. I am tagging all of the Cat Blogosphere as you all make my day.
Plus when she went out to use the snow eating monster this morning and raking the snow from off the roof. It took a long time to clear all of the snow, nearly 10 inches. It was light and fluffy snow, but 10 inches is 10 inches. But then, instead of leaving to work, she stayed home to work! Yipee, I had extra mum time!
So here is a picture of the new snow! Plus we had a lovely sunny day, so I had lots of sun spots to nap in.

Monday, January 21, 2008
ManCat Monday
Never try to out stubborn a cat. - Robert A. Heinlein.
I've got the end of my bungee toy, mum is on the other end. Sooner or later she will give up and just let me play with it on my own.
Packer game was EXCITING. I was the second coldest game in Packer history, after the Ice Bowl of 1967. It went into overtime tied at 20 at the Ginormous team missed a field goal as time expired. But then in OT, old Brett threw an interception the the Ginormous team finally got a field goal to win 23-20.
Mum, I and my furiends watched from the warmth of our couch. You can see all of us below. If mums jumping, shouting, cheering, cursing and used of many bad words and loud voice scared anyone, I pologize. She certainly scared me at times, she isn't normally that loud and she kept coming to me to pologize for being loud and scaring me and the others.
I was joined by my lovely Princess Mia Bella, Beau Beau and Angie, Opus and Roscoe, Parker, Momo and Sassy.

Momo and Sassy led the cheers for the team and we cheered. But I think that Opus has his eyes covered there. Must have been at one of the tight spots in the game. I look like I was sleeping, but I think I couldn't watch at times too! It didn't end up the way we Packer Backers wanted but we did have a good run this season. All I can say now is GO PATS! Now let's have a few niptini's to drown our sorrows!
Lots of purrs to Caesar's family. He went quietly to The Rainbow Bridge Saturday night. May he live on in your hearts.
Packer game was EXCITING. I was the second coldest game in Packer history, after the Ice Bowl of 1967. It went into overtime tied at 20 at the Ginormous team missed a field goal as time expired. But then in OT, old Brett threw an interception the the Ginormous team finally got a field goal to win 23-20.
Mum, I and my furiends watched from the warmth of our couch. You can see all of us below. If mums jumping, shouting, cheering, cursing and used of many bad words and loud voice scared anyone, I pologize. She certainly scared me at times, she isn't normally that loud and she kept coming to me to pologize for being loud and scaring me and the others.
I was joined by my lovely Princess Mia Bella, Beau Beau and Angie, Opus and Roscoe, Parker, Momo and Sassy.

Momo and Sassy led the cheers for the team and we cheered. But I think that Opus has his eyes covered there. Must have been at one of the tight spots in the game. I look like I was sleeping, but I think I couldn't watch at times too! It didn't end up the way we Packer Backers wanted but we did have a good run this season. All I can say now is GO PATS! Now let's have a few niptini's to drown our sorrows!
Lots of purrs to Caesar's family. He went quietly to The Rainbow Bridge Saturday night. May he live on in your hearts.

Saturday, January 19, 2008
Shivering Saturday
BRRRRRRRR. It is furry cold here. The heaty thing in the dungeon is running lots keeping us warm. Plus mum has covered up some of the windows so that the cold doesn't transfer into the house.
But she hasn't covered up the windows that the sun is shining in. I have lots of sun spots to nap in.
Finger Update
Mums finger is doing just fine. Here is a picture of the actual cut on the Wednesday night last week, the day after she cut it.
Here it is on last Saturday night. Much nicer, less red and she can bend her finger a bit more. She has sticky medicine cream on it to help it heal and not get infected.
This was a picture on this past Thursday night. Not red and healing wondefully.
On Friday morning mum wented to see the human VET and he took the little black stitches out. Says it is furry nice. Mum is happy to have the stitches out, they were beginning to itch.
Plus we are getting ready for a big football game on Sunday evening. Mum is making plans so that she will have all of her weekend stuff done so she can watch both games. Mum won't pick on the AFC side, Pats or Bolts. But you know we want the Packers to win the NFC!
I need lots of rest so I can cheer on the team. So I am all stretched out on my special viewing couch. Any Packer backers are welcome to come over to watch. I will have lots of kittie food for us to munch on while we watch. You will just have to get used to mum holloring and cheering! Stay warm.
But she hasn't covered up the windows that the sun is shining in. I have lots of sun spots to nap in.
Finger Update
Mums finger is doing just fine. Here is a picture of the actual cut on the Wednesday night last week, the day after she cut it.

Friday, January 18, 2008
Funky Fang Shui Friday
Ensure that you get in touch with your inner kitten. Playfulness is good to keep you young.
I love playing at any time of the day or night. Lately I have been playing with mum's light that she has on a table in the sleeping room. I like to push it over and chew on the shade. I have been starting my play at very dark o'clock in the morning. Mum is not happy as I wake her up.
She says she needs her beauty sleep. Yeah, I guess I would agree with that. So mum is telling me that if I continue to do this, I will get excluded from her sleeping room. It is going to get furry cold and I like to snuggle and sleep with her when it gets cold. I guess I better behave!
Woohoo, weekend time!

She says she needs her beauty sleep. Yeah, I guess I would agree with that. So mum is telling me that if I continue to do this, I will get excluded from her sleeping room. It is going to get furry cold and I like to snuggle and sleep with her when it gets cold. I guess I better behave!
Woohoo, weekend time!
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
You Want Me to Think?

I try not to think too hard. Simple stuff like "when should I take my next nap?" or "How do I get more treats from mum."
Those who receive this award are entrusted with 4 simple rules:
1. You must write a post with links to 5 blogs that make you think.
2. Acknowledge this post.
3. Optional: Proudly display the ‘Thinking Blogger Award’ with a link to the post that you wrote.
4. Go tell your humans to fork over the treats!
KC, Missy and all at the Sherwood Shelter Life with a ton of kitties and a wonderful mom and had who help them.
Perfectly Parker A cutey lady cat who gives Smooches, which make you not think!
Brandi at Catitude A lovely lady cat who has always has maintained her dignity, even when life wasn't treating her very well.
Kashim & Othello Two more kitties living the European life style.
Step one done; step two done; step three done; step four - working on it!
Now I think I will have a nap.
Monday, January 14, 2008
ManCat Monday
There's no need for a piece of sculpture in a home that has a cat. - Wesley Bates
This is one of mum's favorite pictures of me. She took it shortly after I moved in with her.
Missing Kittie Update - Everyone is now home!! Yipee.
Mao made it home safely and Annie too! So the kittie vibes did well again for our furiends.
Football Frenzy
Plus the Packer rocked on Saturday. It didn't start out pretty but it ended well. The worse the weather the better they played. Mum did lots of clapping and cheering as the game went on, I even joined in with getting my furs temporarily dyed.
But I am bummed that my furiends Opus and Roscoe's team, The Colts, did not win.
Grampie was over and he and mum wanted the Giants to win. They did so that made them happy. Sorry Cowboy fans! The road to the Stupor Bowl will go through Green Bay!
So kitties show your colors!!
I know Darling Millie likes the Pats. I am not sure about kitties for the Chargers and Giants.
Missing Kittie Update - Everyone is now home!! Yipee.
Mao made it home safely and Annie too! So the kittie vibes did well again for our furiends.
Football Frenzy
Plus the Packer rocked on Saturday. It didn't start out pretty but it ended well. The worse the weather the better they played. Mum did lots of clapping and cheering as the game went on, I even joined in with getting my furs temporarily dyed.

Grampie was over and he and mum wanted the Giants to win. They did so that made them happy. Sorry Cowboy fans! The road to the Stupor Bowl will go through Green Bay!
So kitties show your colors!!
I know Darling Millie likes the Pats. I am not sure about kitties for the Chargers and Giants.
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Missing Kitties
Hurty finger or no, I told mum we had to do this post today. The Feline Bureau of Investigation has issued two missing kittie reports.
If you have seen these kitties wandering around, please send them home. They are missed furry much.
Maobert, a Meezer and brofur of Skeezix, the white rat.
Annie of Krasota Castle a good looking Russian Black.
Neither is considered to be armed or dangerous, but maybe clawed and hissy.
That is all, now back to your regular routine.
If you have seen these kitties wandering around, please send them home. They are missed furry much.

Neither is considered to be armed or dangerous, but maybe clawed and hissy.
That is all, now back to your regular routine.
Friday, January 11, 2008
Funky Fang Shui Friday
Don't be afraid to show your softer side, but remember to rule with an iron paw.
I love to cuddle up with Mr T Bear. but can keep mum under my paw as needed.
It snowed again on Thursday night into Friday, otherwise most of our snow was gone, all that was left was where it had been piled up from shovelling. Below is a picture mum took on Wednesday afternoon.
Mum's finger is OK, but it has to stay under wraps and splinted so she won't bend it. Bending it might make the stitches pop and re-open the cut. She unwraps it to clean it, put medicine on it and then wrap it up again. It is her right index finger and she is right handed. Plus that is her treat feeding hand, so it better heal quick, I need more treats.
WooHoo Happy Weekend.
It snowed again on Thursday night into Friday, otherwise most of our snow was gone, all that was left was where it had been piled up from shovelling. Below is a picture mum took on Wednesday afternoon.
WooHoo Happy Weekend.
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Finger Update
While it needed stitches the actual cut is about 1/2 inch long, on the outside of the finger, just below the middle knuckle. Mum took all of the bandages off tonight, the cut is clean and did not bleed anymore after they stitched it. Mum cleaned it up and put on a new and smaller bandage. The big splint is to make sure she does not bend the finger and pop open the stitches. Here is the bandage tonight. She changed the splint too, so she can move her finger and hand a little more naturally.
Thanks for all of your purrs for mum, she appreciates them. Me too, purrs back at ya!
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
7 Weird Things
I was tagged by Tesla, one of our new blogging buddies and The Turkey Cats, Batman, Reggie, Abigail and Riley, also new to the Cat Blogosphere.
Now, onto the meme. Here are the rules:
Link to the person that tagged you and post the rules on your blog. Share seven random and/or weird facts about yourself. Tag seven random people at the end of your post, and include links to their blogs. Let each person know they have been tagged by leaving a notification on their blog.
1. I am a furry friendly kitty. I will run to answer the door when the doorbell rings.
2. I don't mind thunder boomies or fireworks.
3. I am de-clawed on all four paws
4. I am not a good purr kitty. I purr now and then but not lots.
5. I am not a lap cat.
6. I prefer Pounce treats over Temp-tay-shuns.
7. I am a chick magnet!
OK, now who to tag. I think we need to do a mix of old and new furiends
Luxor, Silky and Nina
Kelly Cat
Dr Tweety
Our snow is almost all gone. It has been warm here since Friday and getting warmer every day, it was up to the low 60's. We even had a thunderboomer on Monday and really nasty weather south of where we are. Whiskerconsin had tornado's in January and lots of people had their homes damaged. This is furry strange for around here, we don't normally get this kind of weather at this time of the year.
Mum got a report back about our special little bird from Caturday. "This does look like a partially albino or leucistic goldfinch". Cool, mum was right!
Plus I may not be doing much commenting for a while and short posts. Mum hurted her finger tonight, she caught it on a sharp knife. She had to go to the ER and get stitches as it didn't want to stop bleeding.
Now, onto the meme. Here are the rules:
Link to the person that tagged you and post the rules on your blog. Share seven random and/or weird facts about yourself. Tag seven random people at the end of your post, and include links to their blogs. Let each person know they have been tagged by leaving a notification on their blog.
1. I am a furry friendly kitty. I will run to answer the door when the doorbell rings.
2. I don't mind thunder boomies or fireworks.
3. I am de-clawed on all four paws
4. I am not a good purr kitty. I purr now and then but not lots.
5. I am not a lap cat.
6. I prefer Pounce treats over Temp-tay-shuns.
7. I am a chick magnet!
OK, now who to tag. I think we need to do a mix of old and new furiends
Luxor, Silky and Nina
Kelly Cat
Dr Tweety
Our snow is almost all gone. It has been warm here since Friday and getting warmer every day, it was up to the low 60's. We even had a thunderboomer on Monday and really nasty weather south of where we are. Whiskerconsin had tornado's in January and lots of people had their homes damaged. This is furry strange for around here, we don't normally get this kind of weather at this time of the year.
Mum got a report back about our special little bird from Caturday. "This does look like a partially albino or leucistic goldfinch". Cool, mum was right!
Plus I may not be doing much commenting for a while and short posts. Mum hurted her finger tonight, she caught it on a sharp knife. She had to go to the ER and get stitches as it didn't want to stop bleeding.
Monday, January 7, 2008
ManCat Monday
He seems the incarnation of everything soft and silky and velvety...a dreamer whose philosophy is sleep and let sleep. - Saki

Must have been dreaming of my sweety Princess Mia. I has such a wonderful smile on my face. That is why Patches calls me Smiley Boy!
I had a nice visit from Scooby, Shaggy and Scout. They came over to hang out in the Fevver Cafe. They got here after lunch time so they missed the visit of Mr Hawk. Mr Hawk sat in the crabby apple tree, then moved to the back fence trellis. Then he moved to the power line, then the neighbors tree for a furry long time. As long as he was around, all of the little fevvers did not come out to eat.

It was interesting as Mr Hawk had his fevvers poofed and spread out. Not sure why, but it has been a warmer, foggy day here. The snow is melting, so maybe he was trying to dry his fevvers off.
My little special bird wasn't around today, at least not that we saw it. Mum is pretty certain that it is just a goldfinch that is an albino. Her birdie book is the birds of North America and she looks at all the pictures, regardless of where in the country they normally belong. Just in case one got lost and is the wrong part of the country.
So we didn't have a lot of birdies to watch on Sunday, so we watched the snow melt and drip off of the roof. If you biggify the pictures, you can see the water drops makes their splooches!

Mum says she finallly feels really over her cold. She has been sleeping well and not being all sneezy and blowing the past few days. But she is bummed as she will have to work all five days this week! With the holidays and vacation she hasn't worked a full week since before Thanksgiving!
I have been tagged for some meme's. I will get to those in a few days!
I had a nice visit from Scooby, Shaggy and Scout. They came over to hang out in the Fevver Cafe. They got here after lunch time so they missed the visit of Mr Hawk. Mr Hawk sat in the crabby apple tree, then moved to the back fence trellis. Then he moved to the power line, then the neighbors tree for a furry long time. As long as he was around, all of the little fevvers did not come out to eat.
My little special bird wasn't around today, at least not that we saw it. Mum is pretty certain that it is just a goldfinch that is an albino. Her birdie book is the birds of North America and she looks at all the pictures, regardless of where in the country they normally belong. Just in case one got lost and is the wrong part of the country.
So we didn't have a lot of birdies to watch on Sunday, so we watched the snow melt and drip off of the roof. If you biggify the pictures, you can see the water drops makes their splooches!
I have been tagged for some meme's. I will get to those in a few days!
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