Our buddy
Sammy Meezer handed this out to anyone who wanted to play along. We do!
We have to say 7 things about ourselves and nominate 15 furiends.
Derby will handle this one.
1. I am all four declawed.
2. This is my second home, my first owner went into a nursing home.
3. I preferred being an only cat, but will tolerate the runt.
4. For some reason my fur on my tummy went away two years ago, but parts of it are sort of growing back.
5. I don't like going to the VET and put up a huge fuss when I am there. Growling, hissing and such at the VET. Last time all I got were my shots and weighed by weighing the carrier, with and without me.
6. I love warm spots and like to nap on or in front of the heaty blowy spots.
7. I am a super friendly kittie, I love it when company comes.

Then we have forgotten where this came from. Sorry, mum you were too slow and your brain cells forgot for us. So Ducky will do this one.
1. I have super soft furs.
2. I purr lots and lots.
3. I love to sleep with my mum, but on top of the blankies.
4. I am declawed front but still have my back claws. They come in handy if Derby gets too rough with me.
5. This is also my second home, I ranned away from the first one cuz they was mean to me.
6. I am getting better about taking treats out of mum's hand.
7. I have never yakked up anything, food or hairball. Unlike Derby who yaks early and often.
If you haven't gotten either of these awards, feel free to take them and tell us about yourself. Each one you need to tell us 7 things about yourself.
Happy Weekend!