Happy owner, happy cat. Indifferent owner, reclusive cat. - Chinese Proverb
I think Chinese proverb is furry true. Mum is happy, I get treated well, I am happy.
Yes I did get some more attention this weekend. Saturday mum spend way more time outside, but it was very warm, over 70F and sunny. So nice that the big windows that go to the floor got opened all the way, a bunch of windows were open, all the way. I sat their and chittered away at the birdies, sniffed the fresh airs and watch mum.

Here is the catkins opening from what I posted last Monday. They aren't all the way open yet so mum will take pictures again in a few days.

Here is the for-sith-ia opened, just the bottom of it, plus some other light blue flowers for spring.

Lots and lots of daff's open and looking good in the sunshine.
Sunday was cloudy and much, much cooler and rainy too. So windows were all closed, but that meant mum stayed inside! Which meant I got lots more snuggles, scritches and treats.
She did read her book, but she can keep one hand on me at the same time, or I can sit behind her and read over her shoulder. Then she needed to cook and I joined her to help out. I have to quality control what is happening.

But mum prefers that I stay away from some of the hot cooking stuff so I don't get my nose or paws hurt.

So my favorite spot to watch mum cook is from the top of the big cold box. I am out of trouble but can still snoopervise her cooking. So now she has foods to take to work for lunch, and I got the attention I richly deserve.