HEHEHEHE. Ducky got the boot out of the sleepy spot last night. Four times he circled around mum as she laid trying to sleep, he wants to snuggle and plops his tocks right on mum's face.
First she gently moved him off, moved her head. Each time he came back to snuggle, sit on her face she moved him off again. Finally she sat up, picked him up and put him on the floor. After that he left her alone and she could get her sleeps.
He was nice on Caturday when he got all of his snuggles, but didn't actually sit on mum's face like he did this time. Yeah, the runt isn't purrfect!
She got home furry late, stuff at work to do, quick trip to see Grampie and then home to us. I had to watch in the front window until she brought the metal monster into its room.
I am ready to snooze on the back of the couch. A plus, we gots ham tonight.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Monday, November 29, 2010
Mini-ManCat Monday
The Chinese philosopher Confucius owned a cat and always kept it by his side. He apparently believed that the cat was sent from heaven to serve as a conduit for divine wisdom.
Hiya, Ducky here. Hope everyone had a good holiday weekend. We did! We got lots of sleeps, treats and snuggles. But no turkey! We lot lots of other noms but no turkey. Mum did not cook a turkey and ate her turkey meal with Grampie on Thursday.
Caturday before mum got up from her sleeps I jumped up on the sleeping spot and laid down right by her with my bum in her face! She moved her head just a bit, but then had both of her arms out to encircle me like the little green nap bed. We just snuggled for the longest time which was nice. Derby just sat on the floor and watched us. Finally mum had to get out of the sleepy spot so she could go foods shopping and do the washy routine with the monsters in the basement.
Derby did his best to soak up some solar power. With the short days we have to get the sun while we can. These front windows get lots of sun in the AM, the kitchen windows get it in the afternoon.
Derby is so much bigger than I am, he needs more solar power than I does. But if there is no solar heat to soak up we just hang out in front of the heaty spots near the floor. There are lots of them so we don't have to fight over getting a spot to be warm.

Here is our back yard, we can sit here and watch the fevvers with mum as she counts how many come to the feeders each weekend. It may be bright and sunny but it is cold out. Mum got out her warmer coat this past week.
Feetsball Report
The Pack - Losted to the Falcoln fevvers
Grampa Brett and the ViQueens - The won with their new coach against the Redskins in Washingtown.
The Colts - Playing on Sunday night and behind to The Bolts at halftime. Mum will have to see if she stays up late to see the end of the game. Probably not, she has been nodding off all evening.
Buckingham U Badger's feetsball team will be bowling, most likely for Roses on New Year's Day. Won't know for sure until next Sunday!
Hiya, Ducky here. Hope everyone had a good holiday weekend. We did! We got lots of sleeps, treats and snuggles. But no turkey! We lot lots of other noms but no turkey. Mum did not cook a turkey and ate her turkey meal with Grampie on Thursday.
Feetsball Report
The Pack - Losted to the Falcoln fevvers
Grampa Brett and the ViQueens - The won with their new coach against the Redskins in Washingtown.
The Colts - Playing on Sunday night and behind to The Bolts at halftime. Mum will have to see if she stays up late to see the end of the game. Probably not, she has been nodding off all evening.
Buckingham U Badger's feetsball team will be bowling, most likely for Roses on New Year's Day. Won't know for sure until next Sunday!
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Thanksgiving Goodies

Thanks for all your comments on Puddin. Mum hasn't met the other kittie Mr B, a black kittie. Guess he likes to hide!
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Meet Puddin'
Where Grampie lives they have kitties, two on the first floor that we introduced to you back here and here. Upstairs they have another two kitties, one which is a GINGER boy! The ginger boy is named Puddin.
Top side view, sort of blends in with the wooden floor.
This was the best one mum could get of his face and eyes. He didn't want to give mum a full face pic even without the flashy.
Four white feets.
Pudding is good about moving between the wheelchairs. Tail up so it won't get rolled over accidently.
Moving towards the outside windows in the sunroom, don't know why they call it that, there was no sun puddles in these pics.
Looking outside to check on whatever is happening. But for Puddin he doesn't have to watch outside to see fevvers.
This big box contains inside fevvers! Mum says Pudding must be bored with these fevvers as he doesn't sit there and try to get them or chitter at them.

Mum isn't sure what kind of fevvers these are as they aren't in her wild fevver book.
But is is nice for the residents to come and watch them fly around. Mum wonders if there are both boy and girl fevvers and if they have babies.
Monday, November 22, 2010
ManCat Monday
A little drowsing cat is an image of perfect beatitude. - Jules Champfleury
Welcome to a new week and according to mum a short work week for her. Woohoo for us, that means we get extra mum time!
Mum finished up with outside work on Caturday. Thankfully no climbing on ladders this weekend, just pushing the grass eating Monster around one last time to even off the grass and chew up the last few leaves.
We watched fevvers a bit both days. Mum worked on reading her book too. In general a quiet weekend. Mum spent some time with Grampie too on Sunday.

Feetsball Report
The Pack - they beat Grampa Brett and the ViQueens in the dome. Grampa threw the ball to the wrong team once, but that helped swing the game. In general looked like an old man. On the other paw our QB ARodg looked great, 4 TD passes!
The Colts - lost to Miss Millie's guys named Pat. Although they at least made it a little closer at the end. The Colts are having an off year, not as sharp as in previous years. Peyton had 4 TD's but also 3 INT's.
Welcome to a new week and according to mum a short work week for her. Woohoo for us, that means we get extra mum time!
Mum finished up with outside work on Caturday. Thankfully no climbing on ladders this weekend, just pushing the grass eating Monster around one last time to even off the grass and chew up the last few leaves.
We watched fevvers a bit both days. Mum worked on reading her book too. In general a quiet weekend. Mum spent some time with Grampie too on Sunday.
Feetsball Report
The Pack - they beat Grampa Brett and the ViQueens in the dome. Grampa threw the ball to the wrong team once, but that helped swing the game. In general looked like an old man. On the other paw our QB ARodg looked great, 4 TD passes!
The Colts - lost to Miss Millie's guys named Pat. Although they at least made it a little closer at the end. The Colts are having an off year, not as sharp as in previous years. Peyton had 4 TD's but also 3 INT's.
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Farewell Sweet Patches

I will miss you Patches. You were a sweet ladycat, I think you hosted the first ever big party for the CB, when you had your nap-a-thon in January 2006. You taught me how to teleport so I could come to the party. Now we think nothing of popping over to see our buddies.
You help host the Cat-O-lympics, and we sat in the woods to watch for fairies. Those were good time my furiend.
Your sisfurs, Mittens, Mystrie and Precious Flower will miss you, me too.
Purrs to your mom, Calico Mom Toni, your bean Dad too, they will miss you as well. The picture below is from her mum.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Kittie Sleepings
Mum found the following somewhere. To keep us from waking you up at OhDarkThirty, try the following.
1 Make home as lightproof as possible so that it is hard for us to tell the time.
2 Tire us out with evening games
3 Feed us our biggest meal before bedtime
4 Buy and automatic feeder to deliver breakfast
At best mum does the second one as once mum gets home and has her dinner, then we can have play time. She does put out foods at her bedtime too and usually there is food left in the morning, so we don't have to wake her up early to gets more noms.
Mum is pretty much back to walking normal again, the achy is going away. Maybe this weekend she will get all finished with the outside work. One last use of the grass eating monster.
Mum is looking forward to the weekend already!
1 Make home as lightproof as possible so that it is hard for us to tell the time.
2 Tire us out with evening games
3 Feed us our biggest meal before bedtime
4 Buy and automatic feeder to deliver breakfast
At best mum does the second one as once mum gets home and has her dinner, then we can have play time. She does put out foods at her bedtime too and usually there is food left in the morning, so we don't have to wake her up early to gets more noms.
Mum is pretty much back to walking normal again, the achy is going away. Maybe this weekend she will get all finished with the outside work. One last use of the grass eating monster.
Monday, November 15, 2010
ManCat Monday
A house without either a cat or a dog is the house of a scoundrel. - Portuguese Proverb
Glad we have kitties here, mum wouldn't want to be thought of as a scoundrel!
Mum continued to be busy all weekend. Caturday morning she got up, went outside in the drizzly rain and threw the leaves out of the rain gutters on the house. Which meant she had to wrasslin the big ladder around, climb up and down the ladder lots of times. When she was done she came inside and she was all wet and stinky! Thankfully she took a shower to make her all clean and smelling nice. Ducky and I made sure to snoopervise her from the windows. She didn't fall off the ladder, which meant we didn't have to figure out how to call 911.
Then she gave the washy thing in the dungeon a big workout four loads on Caturday, three more on Sunday! Caturday was her normal stuff, Sunday was all of the throw rugs, some of which I had christened with yak over the past few weeks.
But on Sunday mum was walking funny and slow. Seems all of her trips up and down the ladder made her legs all achy and stiff. She could hardly get out of bed on Sunday morning!
She also made a visit to Grampie, one day he was sleeping so she didn't stay. The other they had a nice visit and mum took him his mail to read. He is still a bit confuzzled, probably will be from here on in, he asked about Grammie, who has gone to heaven ages ago. When mum reminded him of this, he could remember what year she went to heaven in. We hopes he gets his wish soon to join Grammie in heaven.
Plus we watched fevvers with mum. We saw a big blue bird, mum said it was a blue jay. Mum says she has heard them but never seen them come to her feeders before. So she was happy to be able to count Mr Jay!
Feetsball Report
The Pack - taking the weekend off, get to play Grampa Brett next weekend.
Grampa Brett and the ViQueens - Da Bears beat them.
The Colts - they won too.
Mum didn't watch feetsball, she read most of a book about a lady who lived through the Reign of Terror in revolutionary France. Lots of history, and mum says interesting it is called Dancing to the Precipice by Caroline Moorehead, about a lady called Lucie de la Tour du Pin. What a long name!
Have a wonderful week everyone.
Mum continued to be busy all weekend. Caturday morning she got up, went outside in the drizzly rain and threw the leaves out of the rain gutters on the house. Which meant she had to wrasslin the big ladder around, climb up and down the ladder lots of times. When she was done she came inside and she was all wet and stinky! Thankfully she took a shower to make her all clean and smelling nice. Ducky and I made sure to snoopervise her from the windows. She didn't fall off the ladder, which meant we didn't have to figure out how to call 911.
Then she gave the washy thing in the dungeon a big workout four loads on Caturday, three more on Sunday! Caturday was her normal stuff, Sunday was all of the throw rugs, some of which I had christened with yak over the past few weeks.
But on Sunday mum was walking funny and slow. Seems all of her trips up and down the ladder made her legs all achy and stiff. She could hardly get out of bed on Sunday morning!
She also made a visit to Grampie, one day he was sleeping so she didn't stay. The other they had a nice visit and mum took him his mail to read. He is still a bit confuzzled, probably will be from here on in, he asked about Grammie, who has gone to heaven ages ago. When mum reminded him of this, he could remember what year she went to heaven in. We hopes he gets his wish soon to join Grammie in heaven.
Plus we watched fevvers with mum. We saw a big blue bird, mum said it was a blue jay. Mum says she has heard them but never seen them come to her feeders before. So she was happy to be able to count Mr Jay!
Feetsball Report
The Pack - taking the weekend off, get to play Grampa Brett next weekend.
Grampa Brett and the ViQueens - Da Bears beat them.
The Colts - they won too.
Mum didn't watch feetsball, she read most of a book about a lady who lived through the Reign of Terror in revolutionary France. Lots of history, and mum says interesting it is called Dancing to the Precipice by Caroline Moorehead, about a lady called Lucie de la Tour du Pin. What a long name!
Have a wonderful week everyone.
Friday, November 12, 2010
Finally Friday
Yep kitties we made it to Friday, mum too. Although today she didn't get up to go day hunting! Not that we had much time with her during the day. She had stuff to do outside the house, see her green paper investment man, came home with way lots of her adult beverages for the holliday. Plus she went food shopping and I spyed some treats for us too!
Then she did some stuff outside, got the car all nice and sparkly clean. Then cooked her last chick-hen breast on the outside grill. We only got a small taste.
Tomorrow is a big day, mum has much more stuff to work on, but also, it is offically Ducky's 9 month Gotcha Day on the 13th. Yep back in February on Saturday the 13th he invaded, er, moved in with me and mum.
Plus our official bird counting with mum starts this weekend. Project Feeder Watch begins a new season. We gotta help mum spy all of the fevvers in the yard.
Hope everyone has a great weekend, we can relax, no Packer feetsball this weekend. Although I am sure mum will watch some games anyway.
Then she did some stuff outside, got the car all nice and sparkly clean. Then cooked her last chick-hen breast on the outside grill. We only got a small taste.
Plus our official bird counting with mum starts this weekend. Project Feeder Watch begins a new season. We gotta help mum spy all of the fevvers in the yard.
Hope everyone has a great weekend, we can relax, no Packer feetsball this weekend. Although I am sure mum will watch some games anyway.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Pictures Needed & Callie Update
Hey everycat, our lovely lady furiends at Zoolatry need pictures for the CB 2011 Calendar. Sending in pics does not mean you have to buy a calendar.

But the green papers they get from this help to keep the CB website going, and you know we call use the CB to keep track of news of our fellow blogging kitties.
Ducky and I have sent in our pictures, I hope you will too. It is fun to pick out our buddies on the calendar.
As they say on the commerical JUST DO IT.
Several of you asked about where mum found Callie the Corpulent Calico, or Triple C, shorter, easier to say. She was found in the bedding department of a local department store. Boston Store mum says, part of the Bon Ton corporate chain. Mum did find her on one of their websites, so you can see the link here. Mum found her on sale and the check out lady even gave her a bigger discount cuz mum says she had to wait extra. Different animals are available, you can search on Livingquarters Animal Pals.
Here are two other pictures, from the other side and a rear view.

We don't think she will blog much, she is just here to hang out and keep us company.

But the green papers they get from this help to keep the CB website going, and you know we call use the CB to keep track of news of our fellow blogging kitties.
Ducky and I have sent in our pictures, I hope you will too. It is fun to pick out our buddies on the calendar.
As they say on the commerical JUST DO IT.
Several of you asked about where mum found Callie the Corpulent Calico, or Triple C, shorter, easier to say. She was found in the bedding department of a local department store. Boston Store mum says, part of the Bon Ton corporate chain. Mum did find her on one of their websites, so you can see the link here. Mum found her on sale and the check out lady even gave her a bigger discount cuz mum says she had to wait extra. Different animals are available, you can search on Livingquarters Animal Pals.
Here are two other pictures, from the other side and a rear view.
Monday, November 8, 2010
Mini ManCat Monday
An ordinary kitten wil ask more questins than any five year old. - Carl Van Vechten
Derby and I are not kittens anymore, at least not age wise. In our hearts we will always be kittens. But my favorite sweetie in waiting, Dora, is a kitten and just learning all sort of things with her beans. Of course Dora is anything but ordinary!
Well we thinks the clocking chaning thing went OK here. Mum went out on Caturday evening for her car club awards dinner. Came home and went to sleep, said she wanted to actually get that extra hour of sleeps.
She was furry buzy inside and out, getting leaves out of the yard, finishing picking up the stuff outside. So all of the patio furniture is gone and we have a clear view of the back yard. Then inside she had to spot clean the carpet because Derby yak's up for no particulary reason, and then got out her new sucking monster!

The old rug sucking monster starting making funny noises last weekend, started to smell funny too, all burny and icky. Mum says the new one sure does pick up our furs better.
Oh and Derby is all hissed off. Mum forgot his blogoversary on November 3. Well it is OUR blog now, but he isn't happy. Maybe that is why he was yakking up on the carpet! Well he has been at this for 5 years now. Our good buddies, The Crew, have been at it for the same time. Max of The Crew, Derby and I all came from the same shelter.
Feetsball Report
The Pack - playing the Cowboys on Sunday night in historic Lambeau Field. They win, good job both on offense and defense. Great jobs guys, take next weekend off!
Grampa Brett and the ViQueens - managed to pull the game out in OT, mum was hoping those red fevver guys would win, they were ahead almost all of the game.
The Colts - well, not having a good year they lost to the Eagle birds. Lots of injuries this year but we still like watching Peyton play.
On a final, and sadder note, we had to say farewell to another Gorgeous Ginger. Rusty has run off to The Bridge.
Hope everyone has a good week.

Well we thinks the clocking chaning thing went OK here. Mum went out on Caturday evening for her car club awards dinner. Came home and went to sleep, said she wanted to actually get that extra hour of sleeps.
She was furry buzy inside and out, getting leaves out of the yard, finishing picking up the stuff outside. So all of the patio furniture is gone and we have a clear view of the back yard. Then inside she had to spot clean the carpet because Derby yak's up for no particulary reason, and then got out her new sucking monster!
Oh and Derby is all hissed off. Mum forgot his blogoversary on November 3. Well it is OUR blog now, but he isn't happy. Maybe that is why he was yakking up on the carpet! Well he has been at this for 5 years now. Our good buddies, The Crew, have been at it for the same time. Max of The Crew, Derby and I all came from the same shelter.
Feetsball Report
The Pack - playing the Cowboys on Sunday night in historic Lambeau Field. They win, good job both on offense and defense. Great jobs guys, take next weekend off!
Grampa Brett and the ViQueens - managed to pull the game out in OT, mum was hoping those red fevver guys would win, they were ahead almost all of the game.
The Colts - well, not having a good year they lost to the Eagle birds. Lots of injuries this year but we still like watching Peyton play.
On a final, and sadder note, we had to say farewell to another Gorgeous Ginger. Rusty has run off to The Bridge.

Saturday, November 6, 2010
Fat Cat
Mum came home with a big bag the other night. We had to check it out. You can biggify the pictures iffen you wants.
Hmmm, big, round, droopy whisker.
I can even soft of climbed on top of the soft, fuzzy thing.
Mum came home with a new cat, but thankfully not a real cat. This one is so big it would eat all of our noms and be looking for more.

Her names is Callie, the Corpulent Calico!
Hope all are having a good weekend so far. Mum has been falling asleep on the couch, trying to read a book. Ducky and I have been napping lots too.
Don't forget to find that extra hour that has been hiding in your clocks for the longest time. Things will get all wonky for a few days while the beans sort out when they get up and feed us.
Hope all are having a good weekend so far. Mum has been falling asleep on the couch, trying to read a book. Ducky and I have been napping lots too.
Don't forget to find that extra hour that has been hiding in your clocks for the longest time. Things will get all wonky for a few days while the beans sort out when they get up and feed us.
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
The Water is Falling
Our waterfall is back! They finally fixed/replaced the gates that hold the water back, now there is a pond is back, the gooses and fevver duckies are back too. Mum even waited around to see what happened when some beans came by with food for the fevvers.
It looks a little icky yet as the weeds that grew are sort of floating there. Mum says she read that they wouldn't kill them as the water and cold this winter will kill them off.
Otherwise just sort of hanging out. The election is over exepting the vote counting, yippee for no more silly ads.
Monday, November 1, 2010
ManCat Monday
There is no need for a piece of sculpture in a home that has a cat. - Wesley Bates
Busy weekend and busy week to come. Ducky and I snoozed in mum's sleepy spot while she handed out treats to sticky little and some not so little things. But like last year we didn't have that many kids, under 25 total people visiting.
For our Mericky furiends beans you gotta go vote tomorrow. If you don't, then you aren't allowed to complain about pollyticks for the next 2 years.
Plus the annual calendar is coming up. Click on the graphic below for the rules. Mum has to go through our pictures to see which ones we want to send in. This will be Ducky's first year as a calendar cat, I've done it every year so far.
Plus for my buddy Parker and her family, we is joining in to support Diabetes month. It is a nasty thing to have. We hope that like fixing boobies in October, we can support this to rid our world of diabetes.
Feetsball Report
The Pack - shutout the Jets!
Grampa Brett and the ViQueens - lost to Miss Millie's guy's named Pat. Grampa Brett continued his streak of starting the game, but went out late 'cuz he got a bad cut.
The Colts - don't play until Monday night.
For our Mericky furiends beans you gotta go vote tomorrow. If you don't, then you aren't allowed to complain about pollyticks for the next 2 years.

The Pack - shutout the Jets!
Grampa Brett and the ViQueens - lost to Miss Millie's guy's named Pat. Grampa Brett continued his streak of starting the game, but went out late 'cuz he got a bad cut.
The Colts - don't play until Monday night.
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