First of all we both want to wish our furiend Daisy a big get well. She has something funky going on with one of her eyes, but we hope it isn't serious. We loves you Daisy.
Locally things are strange, we woke up today to have white stuff on the ground. It got all cold here again, which means no open windows.

Our four-sith-ia in the snow, it mainly stuck to the grass and plants, not the street. So mum didn't have to worry about getting to work in the metal monster.

The poor daffy-dil's with a coating of white on them.

Looking out the back side of the house, you can see it isn't deep, it is just that we had wide open windows and really warm weather last Friday and now this.

Mum got the table all cleared off, boxes gone to recycle, other stuff put away and pictures all hung up.

She has these in the human litter box room. Hey why not make it a little bit pretty? Beans spend enough time in there.

Close up of the three, mum has had this one for a while that she got at a local art fair.

This one she got at a craft fair where Grampie lives. Someone else who lives there drew the picture and made the frame too. Mum said it was only a few green papers.

Mum bought this at a store and she has a big cold box magnet of this too, but the magnet doesn't have enough room to have all of the sayings.
Plus weekend time, yay! Mum says she will be around but has lots of stuff to do, but I think we will get a nap together at some point.
Happy Weekend.